Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Strength And Hope In Time Of Trouble

"Today's Devotion" For September 7, 2005

Read: Matthew 6:25-34; Psalm 37:1-13, 39-40


"The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their strength in time of trouble." (Ps.37:39)

The news has been replete with accounts of people facing dangerous circumstances in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina over the past ten days. Some faced marauding bands of "bandits" bent on taking advantage of the situation and harming others. Others faced what they thought was certain death, isolated and alone in attics and on rooftops because of the floodwaters. For at least a week drinkable water was nonexistent, as was food and shelter. Yet people kept fighting, kept living, kept hoping, kept helping one another until, finally, help arrived and the lights came back on, as they did in the French Quarter of New Orleans the other night.

What's going to happen for the hundreds of thousands of people displaced and made homeless by the hurricane? If we stop and think, trying to put ourselves in their shoes, it's not too hard to understand that it can be chillingly fearful not to know what's going to happen. Having lost all their material comforts and necessities the questions are myriad. "Where will I find work and a job?" "Where will I live?" "Where are my children; my spouse; my parents?" "How will I pay my bills?" "Can I ever hope to replace all that I've lost?" "What does the future hold for me and my family?"

Do these questions sound familiar? They should. After all, these are questions that people ask everyday in one way or another. We live in an uncertain world. The newspapers and newscasts are filled with stories of terrorism, bombings, murders, drug crimes, and general discontent. Many of our national, state, and local leaders contribute to the uncertainty by their frequent forays into cowardice and finger pointing, exercising blame rather than leading and seeking solutions without recriminations - as we've so clearly seen happen during the tragic aftermath of the hurricane. While we aren't in the same situation as our neighbors in the Gulf Coast states, in many ways we can appreciate their suffering in the wake Hurricane Katrina, for we, too, are able to understand anxiety and fear; uncertainty and dashed hopes.

In the face of such uncertainty comes the marvelous hope and promise that God sends to all of us in Jesus Christ. Jesus reminds us that each of us is a precious child of our Father in heaven. Our Father cares for us so much that He sent His only Son to take our sins upon His head on the Cross, so that we might be redeemed and restored to Himself. Jesus' words are words of hope for all of us, and, we hope, to our neighbors down south who are worried about where their next meal will come from, where they might find a place to live, whether their homes will be rebuilt, where they might find work to support themselves and their families, and how they might have a host of other needs met. Our Lord is speaking to all of them, as He is to us and saying,. "Don't worry. You're not forgotten! Your Father is with you and providing for you. Take heart, for I am your strength and hope in time of trouble."

"With God nothing shall be impossible." He provides for our every need and sustains us in every circumstance. His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness abound to us everyday. In Christ Jesus then we are able to live bravely and boldly, overcoming fear and uncertainty with the sure hope and assurance that we are in the very palm of our Father's hand. It's a message of hope for our lives and the driving force behind our loving service to others to help alleviate their suffering and hardships. As we have been blessed by God, so also do we become a blessing to others. The folks down south are seeing that right now. God will also give us other opportunities to share with others that He is their "strength and hope in times of trouble."

Prayer: Father, forgive me for those times when I forget that You are in charge and that You hold me in the palm of Your hand. I thank You for giving me everything necessary in my life to sustain me in body and soul. I realize that I often take those things for granted and as I watch the struggles of those suffering the ravages of the hurricane I realize how really blessed I am. Be with those who are suffering from the aftermath of Katrina and lead me and all Your people to share with them, in their time of need, the blessings that have come to us from Your gracious and bountiful hand. Help me to share Your love and mercy with them as You have given it to me. At the same time, Father, I pray that You would give me the strength and hope necessary to overcome my own fears and worries about the future of my life and my needs. Help me to live bravely and confidently in Your love, trusting in Your mercy and assurance that You will bless me with whatever I need and that nothing can take me from You. In Jesus' precious and most holy name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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