Thursday, September 15, 2005

Jesus Is In Total Control

"Today's Devotion" For September 16, 2005

Read: Matthew 26:1-5; John 11:45-57


"'As you may know, the Passover is two days away - and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.'" (Mt. 26:2)

Goal setting is a vital part of any planning process. No business plan, for instance, can be effective if concrete goals are not expressed. Action steps are delineated by which those business goals will be met. A college student determines a major field of study and sets a goal to get one degree or more in that field. Classes are chosen to meet the curricular requirements to reaching that degree goal. A husband and wife set goals for their marriage, to stay together and work through difficulties, to have a certain amount of children, to purchase a home, to live in a certain place, to put their children through college, etc. They arrange their finances and take the time necessary to develop their relationship and love to accomplish their family goals.

Yet no matter the goals and intentions, failure is often the end result. Unforeseen circumstances, such as a calamitous natural disaster, war, terrorism, crime, economic recession, or a stock market crash can end one's plans for the future. At this time of year, as students return to university classrooms they're finding that classes they wanted are already filled, some sections are already closed, courses they had scheduled have been cancelled, and their plans for jobs and income to pay their tuition bills have dried up. Of course these college "calamities" are but a microcosm of the "real" world the rest of us experience. After all we live in a world where illness, death, unfaithfulness, bankruptcy and other unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances can end a marriage, destroy a family, wipe out a family business, or annihilate a myriad of dreams for the future.

Thank God that such is not the case with our salvation. God's plan was never in jeopardy of failure, no matter the attempts of Satan to put it off course or destroy it. Jesus prepared His disciples for the ultimate and inevitable end of His ministry - His crucifixion. It was a sure and certain thing. God was in total control. The Father's Will would be done. Once Jesus made it clear as to what was going to happen to Him, Matthew notes that the chief priests and elders began to plot His death. Yet, God is still in control. Jesus will not be dissuaded or put off His mission. What He tells us about our salvation, the forgiveness of our sins, His grace, mercy, and love, and the Father's promise to bring us home to heaven is for certain. Nothing will keep it from happening. Our Lord Jesus is in total control. And that's a marvelous thing.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am comforted knowing that Your Word is sure and certain and Your plans for me are coming to pass. Nothing can take me out of Your hand or away from Your love. Only I can reject You and I pray that Your Spirit will keep me faithful and away from that danger. Help me to rejoice in such a certainty, knowing that You are in total control. Let my rejoicing lead me to share Your love unceasingly with everyone I meet. Help me to serve You, precious Lord. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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