Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Living God's Will Focused On Eternity

"Today's Devotion" For September 28, 2005

Read: I John 2:15-17; Romans 1:18-32


"The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." (I Jn. 2:17)

There's a "storm cloud" on the horizon once again in the nation's classrooms. It seems that in one school system the school board recently moved to have "intelligent design" taught in the classroom alongside evolution. Parents of the children involved have taken the school district to court because they see the teaching of "intelligent design" as promoting a religion. Since "intelligent design" is a "dumbed-down" version of creation, it can hardly be called the teaching or promotion of religion. The debate and the lawsuits will continue. Scientists will be called to testify on either side of the question, and the end result is that people will still miss out on how wonderful a place the world really is.

When one believes that God created the heavens and the earth - literally everything in all the universe that exists - one sees nature as a magnificent work of art. The flora and the fauna of the planet Earth are incredible and magnificent in their design and function. Created by an all-wise and all-knowing God, the Earth and all that is in it provide for our every need. How awesome it is that the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams reflect the power and majesty of God. Even more incredible are the stars in the sky which declare God's eternal, ever-present nature with His creation.

Standing in sharp contrast to the magnificence of creation are those things we human beings have invented. Harnessing the principles of physics as it has been created by God and with which He has blessed us, we human beings have created some pretty incredible things. Automobiles, trucks, trains, planes, rockets, and space shuttles are just some of the many forms of transportation God has given us the ability to invent and use for His glory and our benefit. God has also allowed us to, in a small way, utilize the principles of chemistry to power our vehicles and provide the world with some incredible inventions and magnificent artistry. God has also, as is obvious from all which He has touched with His love, made us a marvelous part of His creation. We're not just intelligently designed - we've been designed and built by God.

In spite of God's wonderful work in the world and in our lives, the world we live in is also a place of great evil. Since Adam and Eve fell into Sin (Gen. 3), Satan and his followers have had a huge influence on the world, most notably we human beings. St. Paul's letter to the Romans points out this evil, some of which we read about in the section listed in today's readings. In the same way as Adam and Eve did, we are in danger of losing sight of God's Will, tempted into putting the things God created ahead of our relationship with Him. John's warning against allowing our ambitions, desires, lusts, and cravings to take first place in our hearts is will placed.

Putting our focus on the here and now instead of eternity is much easier than trusting our Father's power to sustain the universe and each of His children. Too often our lives are planned to meet what we perceive our needs and ambitions to be, when in actuality, if we'd paid attention, we would have seen God showing us what our real needs are. At the top of that list is our relationship with Him. God, in His great love for us, has sent His Word and Spirit to guide us to share His love and forgiveness with others. He expects us only to know and live in His love, so that we might live forgiven lives, full of caring and concern for others. It's not as easy to live in God's will as it is to live according to the ways of the world. Nevertheless, God's people are focused on eternity and being fully in the presence of God. One thing is certain, when we do God's Will we will be noticed - after all, personal good or ill aside, what better way to share God's Will is there than to be noticed by the world around us.

Prayer: Father, doing Your will is really hard at times. I am tempted by the "pleasure" and "prestige" this world can give me and they sure look good. Please give me the faith I need and the wisdom I need to overcome these temptations and to focus on doing Your will as a witness and testimony to others of Your love and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Lord and Savior, in who's name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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