Saturday, September 24, 2005

Seeing God's Hand In "HIStory"

"Today's Devotion" For September 24, 2005

Read: Matthew 27:27-31; Revelation 1:4-8


"...and knelt in front of Him and mocked Him. 'Hail, King of the Jews!' they said." (Mt. 27:29b)

I'm on a history "kick" this week. So let me ask you a question. What do you think of history? I've met people who say they could do without it; others who are engrossed in it. Personally, I have to admit I've been in both camps. At one time during my years of high school, college, and early in seminary, I was absolutely no fan of history. As far as I was concerned it was nothing more than trying to remember names, dates, and places long gone and without any context or impact on the present or my life. I've know many who have felt this same way. How about you?

On the other side of the coin, I had a renaissance of thinking when it comes to history ( a "Renaissance" - cute huh?) during my seminary days when I took a one month seminar course titled "The Philosophy of History." I had just finished a uniquely informative class - for a history class - in Reformation History by a professor I thoroughly enjoyed. He convinced me that I would truly enjoy his January seminar course, so I agreed, especially since the title evoked images of philosophical discussion, which I thoroughly relished, as opposed to a study of history. Truth be told, there was a lot more discussion of history than there was of philosophy, yet it was an incredibly eye opening experience. The end result was that I've been hooked on history ever since - and with a passion.

The very first day of the course set the tone for my years of study and experience ever since. On that first day, the professor pointed out that there were two ways to look at history. It could be viewed circularly or linearly. He noted that the circular view is the secular view and that it holds that history is a constant loop of cause and effect, cause and effect, cause and effect, with a predictable repetition of similar events over and over again. On the other side of the coin there is the sacred view which approaches history from a linear perspective, i.e., that there is cause, effect, and ultimate cause at work throughout history, because it's "HIStory" - God's Story. This position holds that everything happens for a reason determined by God's purpose and that there is determined end to all things to which everything inexorably marches.

What an incredibly freeing concept that is! History isn't just events of long ago, at certain times, and under certain circumstances that have no bearing on life today. Instead, all of HIStory is God's Story, showing His hand at work to bring His love, grace, mercy, and peace to the world. Thus, for example, it becomes understandable, when viewing the Thirty Years' War of the 1500's and 1600's, that the only reason for Cardinal Richelieu, a Roman Catholic, to have sided with the Protestants in the fight against Rome, was because he was first a French patriot. He knew that if Rome defeated the Protestants Germany would be reunited and would again become a terrible threat to France's domination of Europe. In the end his decision didn't just defeat Rome. It also allowed the Reformation to continue. God's ultimate plan for the proclamation of the Gospel remained in effect.

As we hear the soldiers mocking Jesus, something the Temple guards had already done, we see the work of God's hand moving His plan of salvation inexorably forward to completion. The soldiers' mocking confirmed God's purpose in all of Jesus' suffering, as from their very mouths came confirmation that Jesus was in fact the "King of the Jews." He was, and is, the promised Messiah. This mocking testimony of the soldiers and Temple guards confirmed Jesus' own statement that He would be delivered into the hands of men, not only the Jews - and so He was. He became, according to God's plan, the "scapegoat" for all mankind's sins. None of the characters active in this powerful event in history - the soldiers, Pilate, the Sanhedrin, the High Priest, the people of Jerusalem - had a clue that their unjust and unlawful acts toward Jesus were intended to accomplish their salvation from Sin and to bring them to eternal life with their Father in heaven.

As with all "HIStory," we who come later are privileged to see God's hand at work for our own good and that of the whole world. We do know, however, how God's hand was at work in this event in "HIStory" to bring about the world's salvation - our salvation - and we rejoice that He has carried out His plan just as He said. "HIStory" has testified to His love for us to this very day. "HIStory" shows us each day that we are receiving the benefits of the ultimate cause of Jesus' humiliation. What a marvelous gift!

Prayer: Father, with great joy I come before You, thanking You for carrying out Your Plan of Salvation for me and the whole world. No one has deserved such love from You, yet You give it freely each day in Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord. Please don't let me ever be guilty of being blind to Your hand in "HIStory" as were those who condemned Jesus to death. Instead, help me to see Your mighty and gracious hand in all of "HIStory," including my own, so that I may live my life with courage and joy, proclaiming courageously and joyfully Your love in Christ to others. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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