Monday, September 12, 2005

Modeling Your Faith Works Wonders

"Today's Devotion" For September 12, 2005

Read: Hebrews 13:1-8; Luke 14:1,7-14


"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it." (Heb.13:2)

When I was a small boy my dad gave me an old book that he had received as a child. Its title was "Angels Unaware." The book contained stories of ordinary people, people of faith, who opened their hearts, hands, lives, and homes to people who were in desperate need. Each of those who opened their hearts to others in need were also suffering and in need. Each story ended with a special blessing resulting for those who had sacrificed to love a stranger and share what they had. Each story ended with the special note that the people that had cared for those in need had "entertained Angels unaware." I don't know if the stories were true or fiction. I do know that they reflected the kind of hospitality and Christian life that I was taught to live.

A missionary tells the story of his encounter with the Batak tribe. He was given permission to spend two years studying their customs and language. When he was ready to leave, the chief asked if there was anything in the Christian faith that differed from their customs. He noted that they had laws that prohibited stealing, murder, taking another's wife, or bearing false witness. The missionary answered quietly, "My Master gives us the power to keep these laws." The chief was startled and asked, "Can you teach my people this power?" The missionary answered, "No, I cannot. But God can give it to them if they listen to His Word and ask Him for it." The chief gave the missionary six more months during which to demonstrate and teach the power of God. When the time was up the chief said, "Stay. Your law is better than ours. Ours tells us what to do. Your God gives you the strength to do it."

Whether it's "entertaining" strangers ("Angels Unaware"), or living a life that reflects the power of God's forgiveness and love in Jesus Christ to others, modeling our faith works wonders. It helps those in need, comforts those who are hurting in any way, and shows how to live in peace with one another. As the writer to the Hebrews reminds us, "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb.13:8). His love never fails us nor does He withhold His forgiveness from repentant hearts. He gives us the power to live for Him and in Him. By His power we are able to exercise our faith and be effective models for others so they, too, can know the wonder and majesty of God's love. God uses us to lead others to Him and to touch them with His presence. What a marvelous opportunity to serve.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, as You have given me the gift of faith through Your grace in Christ Jesus, help me to share that very gift with others. Show me how to be an effective model of faith and life today and everyday, so that others might learn to know Your love through me. Keep me ever mindful that modeling my faith works wonders in sharing Jesus with others; in Whose precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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