Saturday, September 03, 2005

"I Can't Help Myself! It's Just A Part Of Who I Am!"

"Today's Devotion" For September 3, 2005

Read: Matthew 9:27-34; Psalm 30


"According to your faith will it be done to you." (Mt.9:32)

As the images of the disaster in the city of New Orleans and the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and others in the South break into our consciousness, what stands out in the face of the looting and anarchy, the rape and assaults, the shootings and murders, and the despair and hopelessness is the reality that people do care. We've been hearing how the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) people were slow and ineffectual in their first response. We've been hearing how incompetent the first responders were. Yet, the out pouring of assistance from across the nation is very real and very much needed. Telethons, appeals, cash gifts, supplies, National Guard call ups, firefighter volunteers, and other types of assistance are happening, big time. In the face of the "I can't help myself. It's just a part of who I am" mentality of those who are looting, pillaging, raping, and murdering, comes the "I can't help myself. It's just a part of who I am" response of those who care and want to make a difference for their fellow countrymen.

Certainly it can be said that because of Sin in the world and the broken relationships between God and humanity and between and among human beings it brings, that robbery, pillaging, looting, rape, murder, and assault are part of our human nature. Yet, to say "I can't help myself. It's just a part of who I am" is to deny any responsibility for one's behavior. Of course it also opens up the door to the "blame game" which inevitably arises when people's behavior is tied to what others have or have not done to or for them. Of course, the opposite can also be said, that "I can't help myself. It's just a part of who I am" reflects itself in the loving, caring, sacrificial service and assistance many others are offering to help alleviate the suffering and put a human face back on those in need.

Those who are offering their service and assistance in such difficult times are following Jesus' lead. "I can't help myself. It's just a part of who I am" is the exact thing that we see in Jesus' activities of ministry on this earth. He went about healing demon possessed people, the sick, the maimed, and the deaf and dumb, even the dead. His power and strength, His compassion and concern, and His love, grace and mercy are all a part of Jesus' nature. He couldn't and can't ignore them, for to do so would be to deny Himself. As our Savior and Lord, Who has bought us back with His holy precious blood shed on Calvary's cross, it's His nature to serve and transform the lives of people savaged by the disaster of Sin in the world.

Jesus responded to the entreaty of the blind men, "According to your faith will it be done to you." They were healed because they believed in Him. Jesus didn't heal them for the recognition - He enjoined them not to tell anyone - but because of His love, grace, and mercy. It's His nature to heal. It's His nature to love the sinner in need. It's His nature and He can't help Himself because He is our Savior and Lord. Our response to Him is the same as the two former blind men. They went away rejoicing because Jesus had healed them. They rejoiced because Jesus had saved them.

We, too, are the recipients of Jesus' nature. His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness come to us every day. His promise to us in our sinful condition is to "be healed" and His promise is "though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow." As we have received, so also let us give. Those folks in the South can sure use our prayers, our support, even our physical labor and assistance. As the people of God in Jesus' Christ, redeemed from Sin and restored to our Father's loving arms we also can say, "I can't help myself. It's just part of who I am," as we step forward to share His love in action with our fellow citizens in need.

Prayer: Father, Jesus came into this world to save sinners, of which I am one. He came into this world to redeem it from the curse of the Law. It's His nature to be our Savior and Lord. At the same time, it's my nature, because of Sin, to care more for myself than others; to put myself ahead of the needs of others and to commit unspeakable acts against others. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, gracious Father, You have given me the gift of faith in Jesus so that His grace, mercy, and love lift me up to You and remove the stain and power of Sin from my life. I can't help myself from serving and loving others in Jesus' name because of His great love for me. Stepping up to the plate when people are crying for help is just a part of who I am in Christ Jesus. Father, I pray that You would help me to live up to that nature as I step forward in faith to help those in need, wherever they might be, always thankful and filled with hope because You meet my every need. And, Father, please bless the efforts of all who are serving to meet the needs of those in the South who have suffered as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Be with them, keep them safe, and may they be a marvelous witness to Your love and healing. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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