Thursday, September 01, 2005

Strangers? Yes! Alone? No!

"Today's Devotion" For September 1, 2005

Read: I Peter 1:1-2; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17


"To God's elect...who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood." (I Pet.1:1-2)

Have you ever taken a stand on something and felt deserted, even by your friends? Have you ever felt totally alone because people around you were saying and doing things which you believed to be wrong? Does it seem, from time to time, that your principles stick out like a "sore thumb?" Have you ever felt left out and a stranger in a group of people with whom you thought shared certain values and principles? I expect that these questions are often in the minds of principled people, who stand by their principles "come hell or high water." As God's people, we are principles people, so be advised - we are not alone. We are in the company of the saints who have gone before us and who stand with us. As God's people, His saints in Christ, as Peter notes, we are "strangers in the world."

Have you ever met anyone who liked being a stranger? For most people being a stranger means not knowing anyone, being in unfamiliar surroundings, and having a certain amount of anxiety or discomfort because of these things. On the other hand, each of us probably knows someone who relishes the challenge of being a stranger. You've seen them. In a strange room with strange people and unfamiliar surroundings they crank up their "personality" and work the room. Before you know it they've met and become acquainted with dozens of people who were, just a few moments before, total strangers. Now that person is no longer among strangers - he or she is among, at the least, acquaintances. Yet, the desire to belong and not be a stranger can have devastating consequences for many people. Every human being has a need to belong, and falling short of the skills and abilities exhibited by those people who "work the room" many people will do whatever is necessary to belong, even to the point of compromising their principles to be a part of the "crowd."

Peter's greeting to his readers is an encouragement to all of us. He reminds them that they are the "elect of God" - they belong to their Father in heaven Who made them His very own through Jesus Christ. That same encouragement comes to us in our world today as well. We are encouraged by Peter to realize that we belong to God, and even though we might be strangers in this world, we are a special people in Christ. The blood of Christ has cleansed us from our Sin; we are no longer strangers and enemies of God. By the power of His Word and Spirit, God has made us a holy people. We aren't alone; we're not left adrift in a world at odds with God. We are called to live, instead, as obedient disciples of Jesus.

Peter's strong, recurring theme and reminder in his letter is that we belong to God solely by His grace and mercy. Our Father in heaven, in His infinite wisdom and love has chosen each of us to be His very own, and has made us His own in Jesus Christ. Because we have been made to be God's children in Christ, we have also become strangers and pilgrims on the earth. In the face of that reality the Spirit reminds us in our Baptisms on a daily basis that we do belong to someone and to someplace - our Heavenly Father and heaven. We are restored to a loving relationship with the Father and because of Jesus we have peace with God which gives us a place with Him, both now and in eternity.

So, no matter how much or an "outsider" you might feel you are in this world, remember that you are part of God's family, a special people, redeemed by Christ. A life of faith and obedience to God and walking with Jesus is a life filled with meaning and purpose. In the world, because of our faith and trust in, and obedience to God, we might be "Strangers? Yes!" but we are not alone!"

Prayer: Father, I frequently feel alone with my principles at odds with many of those around me. It's true that I lose sight of the fact that You have made me Your very own child in Christ's redeeming love. I belong to You and You are with me everywhere, at anytime. I am never alone, for You are with me. Help me to live a life of obedient discipleship fully confident that I belong to You. Let my life be filled with Your peace and love so that I may be a true and constant witness to Your love for all the world. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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