Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Guided Through Life By The Light Of The World

"Today's Devotion" For September 21, 2005

Read: John 1:1-18; Psalm 119:105-112


One very cold and stormy winter night a young boy and his father were on their way home from school. Suddenly, with a grinding sound, the engine shut down and they coasted to a stop. Their car had broken down. It was pitch dark, except for slight gleam of the snow. It was an eerie darkness and difficult to see where they were going. The little boy was so frightened that he shivered more out of fear of being lost than from the cold. As his fear heightened his father turned on the small flashlight he carried to show the way. It didn't help much. The lad was still scared. He cried, "Daddy, how are we going to find our way with such a small flashlight? It doesn't give enough light!" Taking his hand, his father replied, "Son, it's true that the light is small and the beam doesn't shine very far. However, if we keep on walking the light will continue to go on ahead showing us the way."

Having a guide through the storms and pitfalls of life is so important. So often we'd like to know not only what's going to happen tomorrow, but the next week, the next month, the next year, and on and on and on. Rather than just seeing what today brings, we want to know more - see more - right now. Yet life is a series of steps taken one at a time. Each step can be filled with a lot of uncertainty and doubt or confidence and hope. Scripture reminds us that God's promise is to lead us through life, helping us to overcome uncertainty and doubt with faith - a faith that brings confidence and hope. Throughout Scripture we see pictures of light and darkness used to describe the difference between being in God's presence (light) and being separated from Him by Sin (darkness). Life in this world can be an exercise of light or darkness. We can walk with God according to His Word, or we can walk in the ways of the world, living contrary to that which is pleasing to God. We can look to God for guidance through life, or we can allow the philosophies of the world to guide our thinking and living.

Jesus came into this world to be the "Light of the world." He is the "light shining in the darkness" of Sin and unbelief to keep on guiding us into the presence of our heavenly Father. Instead of the philosophies of the world to guide us, we have His Word which not only reveals His love and forgiveness for us in Christ, but which also provides us with the "light" that guides us in living for Him and with Him. We are led by the Light of the world, Jesus our Savior, to live in Him and for Him, to share His love with others, and to see God's hand at work in the creation and the lives of people. We aren't going to get lost in this world because the light of His love keeps us heading toward Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You sent Jesus to lighten the darkness of Sin in this world. You have given me faith that I might be led by the light of Your Word, both written and "made flesh." Help me to let that light shine through me to others so that they might also see You, experience Your love, grace, and mercy, and ultimately glorify You because they have seen Jesus. Spread Your love and Light abroad in the world through me so that others might turn to You and be saved. In Jesus' name precious and most holy name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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