Thursday, May 25, 2006

Soaring Above The Fray

"Today's Devotion" For May 25, 2006

Read: Isaiah 40:25-31; Hebrews 12:1-3


"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

It doesn't take much digging to realize that the world is a messy place. A quick overview of current affairs reveals arguments over legal and illegal immigration, whether or not laws concerning a national language are "racist" (editorial aside - it seems ludicrous to call discussions of language racist since language isn't tied to race - unless of course someone wants to change the rules), and whether or not there are anti-Christian agendas in our nation which are driving public policy, key court decisions, public school regulations, political correctness in the media , and modern day censorship (cf. Jane Folger's book, "The Criminalization of Christianity") - just to name a few of the many different debates and disagreements extant in the public sector.

Now whether the anti-Christian agendas are true or not, regardless of the outcome of the language debate, and no matter what ends up happening to "solve" the illegal immigration issue, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the world is not a peaceful place. Certainly there are the wars we're always so fond of touting in the media and politicians hang their hats on - whether pro or con. There's no question we've got a worldwide problem facing humanity with the proliferation of terrorism, genocide, religious persecution, and myriad ways we human beings find to be disagreeable to one another and poor stewards of the planet. It seems that there are never solutions to the issues we face, only disagreements as to the extent of the problems (or if what one sees as a problem another does not), as well as disagreements over the solutions to the problems everyone seems to agree are real.

On a more personal level, we human beings face chaos and discouragement on a daily basis. Job security, providing for one's family, community safety issues, the price of food, clothing, shelter, and fuel, and even the challenges of interpersonal relationships, particularly within families, are all tacked on to the stresses and strains of the world's problems. It's so easy to get lost in the chaos - the fray - of conflicting needs and concerns, issues and answers, that we may feel as if we're drowning, no one is throwing us a life preserver, and we're going down for the last time. Yet, as God tells us through the prophet Isaiah, in Him we have hope and strength.

In the face of every challenge, trouble, and danger we face in the world, our heavenly Father offers to lift us up above the fray and free us from the chaos. He calls us to put our hope and trust in Him, just as He called on Israel to do, and renew our strength in Him. He promises us that as we trust in Him, as we put our faith in the blood of Christ, believing that in Him our sins are forgiven and we have the hope of heaven, He will lift us up on "eagles' wings," to soar above the fray, the chaos, the hatred, the strife, the pain, the suffering, and everything else that Sin brings into the world. No matter whether we are loved or hated because we are God's people in Christ, it doesn't make any difference, for we are His and we carry His strength with us.

Life is a marathon. It's a long run. Some of it we'll run; some of it we'll walk. We can be sidetracked and detoured along the way by the temptations that would seek to drive us away from God. Yet, God's promise is that His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness in Jesus lifts us up above the world - when you soar on eagles' wings it's impossible to get caught in a "traffic jam" - so that we can walk with Him and reach out to others with His love. Strengthened by the Word and Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper), we can "run the race" (I Cor. 9:24) of faith and not grow weary or faint regardless of the challenges we face. After all, we have God's own promise that He forgives us in Jesus and that heaven is our home. In Jesus we are truly "soaring above the fray," filled with hope and peace, courage and strength, and the confidence to share His love with others.

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me that I'm not alone as I face a world that's increasingly hostile to You and those who follow Jesus. I need to be reminded, just as You reminded Israel, that You lift me up on "eagles' wings," above the fray of the world, so that I can be an effective witness to Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ Jesus. Forgive me for those times I get so caught up in the troubles of the world that I forget to call on You for guidance, strength, and courage to meet the challenges of the day. Forgive me for forgetting that Jesus reminds me that if He was treated badly by the world, that it's not going to be any easier on me. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, strengthen my faith and trust in You so that I might not be overcome by the vagaries of the world, but run the race, walk the walk, and talk the talk of a disciple of Jesus Christ - a sure and certain witness of Your gift of salvation from Sin, Death, and Satan to the world. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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