Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Is There Room For God In Your Life?

"Today's Devotion" For May 30, 2006

Read: Proverbs 3:1-12; Romans 12:1-3


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5, 6)

How do you see the world? Now that's a loaded question. Our culture has taken a position that holds, for instance, that the universe had an arbitrary and cataclysmic beginning. The popular position on origins says that all life evolved out of the "primeval ooze" and, by the "luck of the draw," over billions and billions of years, what we see and experience today as the earth and the universe came into existence. Human beings are said to have evolved from lower life forms, based on the presupposition that there is no Creator - a position commonly held by those who refuse to allow God to have first position in their lives (and anyone who says that's not true is only kidding themselves no matter how much they may argue to the contrary).

If one studies the history of science, it becomes clear that many of the early scientists have been falsely labeled as "anti-God," or "anti-religion," or "anti-Christian." Sir Isaac Newton is commonly understood to have been "anti-religion" in his scientific theories, yet when one reads his findings and positions closely it becomes clear that he was not only a Christian, but also was intent on showing how scientific endeavor arrives at no clear definitions or understanding without recognizing the Creator at work. Yet the power of Sin in this world so blinds human beings to the truth, that even when sound scientific efforts and observations are conducted, the conclusions reach are all to often colored by the anti-religion of the observers.

God warns us that such thinking happens all too frequently in our world, even among His people. In the face of the world's pressures upon us to conform to its standards and belief systems, the question arises for God's people, "Is there room for God in your life?" This is a challenging and troubling question as we determine in what direction our lives will go. As we face the ramifications of this question, we find ourselves in desperate need of guidance and direction - and who better to give it to us that the Holy Spirit?

Thus, the Spirit reminds us in Proverbs that we should "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (3:5). These words are both a warning and an encouragement, for we are often too easily swayed by the thinking of the world around us and our own sense of need to be ready to "trust in the Lord with all" our hearts. Rather than searching the Scriptures for wisdom and understanding, for knowledge and truth, the philosophers and gurus of the day are the "authorities" that often hold too much say over our thinking and our actions, both as individuals and as a society. The Holy Spirit reminds us in these words that without the Lord, we're really standing alone and arift in a fearful and changing world. At the same time, He is encouraging us with the reminder that our God is always with us, He does what He says, and His "foolishness" is wiser than the wisdom of any human being (I Corinthians 1:25).

As God's children, redeemed from our sins and restored to our Father's presence through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we are called to think differently, to live differently, and to believe differently from the world (Romans 12:1-3). Solomon, who wrote the Proverbs, had been challenged by his father, King David, to serve God with absolute and heartfelt devotion (I Chronicles 28:9). He also remembered God's deliverance of Israel because their leaders trusted God (Ps. 22:4, 5). The call to us in these proverbs is the same as God has given to His people throughout the ages - put God first in your lives, serving Him with a willing and faithful heart. As we do so, God's promise is also clear - He will clear away each and every obstacle that would prevent us from having a loving relationship with Him and living a life of service to others in His name. By His grace and mercy, He will guide and lead us to accomplish every goal for which we strive in our service to Him as we proclaim His love in Christ for all the world.

Prayer: Father, thank You for never leaving me "on my own." No matter how foolishly I may think or act, no matter how often I may forget to trust You and pay attention to that which is pleasing in Your sight, You never leave me alone and Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness are Your ever-present gifts to me each day in Jesus. Forgive me for falling sway to the world's thinking and falling into the trap of believing I can stand alone, on my own, without You in my life. Lift me up each day in the power of my Baptism, so that I may be reminded that You have made me Your own dear child, having washed me clean from my sins by the water and the Word. Let my life always have room for You and Your wisdom and truth. Fill my heart and my thinking with that which is pleasing and right in Your eyes, so that I may be a faithful, loving, and winsome witness to Your love and forgiveness for the world in Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord; in whose precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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