Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Be A Prize Winner

"Today's Devotion" For May 23, 2006

Read: Philippians 3:12-4:1; I Corinthians 9:16-27


"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)

Some of the more pleasurable moments in my life are when I'm watching my children compete in athletic events. All of them have been fierce competitors in one way or another. I don't think any of them likes to lose, but each handles losing differently - although they're all very similar in certain aspects of dealing with a competition loss. What's been most gratifying to me has been the unanimity of approach to winning they all have - they are grateful for the win but they keep a humble spirit, which provides good leadership to other of their teammates.

Yesterday I again had the opportunity to watch one of my children compete. Jonathan competed in a Regional Track meet. He managed to make the finals in all three of his events, which was quite a milestone, considering he had only begun to put the shot and throw the discus in this, his senior year. What stood out for me, however, wasn't so much that he made the finals, but the attitude with which he competed. While winning would have been great, making the top four in order to go to Sectionals would have been nice, for him to do his best, run his best hurdles race, throw the best he could in the discus, and put the best he could in the shot was all that really mattered to him, and ultimately, to me. More gratifying for both of us than making the top four or winning an event was that he achieved a personal best in the shot put by over a foot (which is quite a feat when you're 170 pounds going up against guys well up in the 200 pound range).

Track and Field always reminds me of living a Christian life. I guess that's why it never bores me - it even bores Jonathan, and he's competing! While some events require team work, for the most part track and field events are individual efforts by the competitors. While each competitor strives to win, often the greatest win they achieve is improving their time, height, or distance in their events. Scoring points for their team is a wonderful bonus, but the satisfaction received from a PR (personal record) is unbeatable. As the redeemed children of God in Jesus Christ, we all have the prize of the high calling of God in Christ - heaven. We can work together as brothers and sisters in the same faith and trust in Christ as our Savior and Lord to reach others. Yet we can't live someone's life for them. We each have to live and die for the Lord as individuals. Each of us if responsible for our own actions. We are each responsible for our sins and repenting of them. Each of us must receive God's forgiveness personally - we can't receive it for others nor can they for us.

Paul's encouragement to the Philippians and the Corinthians is also encouragement to us. While he exhorts us to follow his example of faith and "running the race," he also calls us to be living examples to others of Christ's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. We work together to bring the saving Gospel to a world lost and dying in Sin and unbelief, yet each of us has his or her own specific mission according to God's purpose. While we encourage one another and seek one another out to team up and use the gifts and blessings, talents and abilities the Spirit has given to the Body of Christ - His Church - to reach the world for Jesus, each of us is called upon to do what our Father in heaven has in mind for us to do in service to Him and others in Jesus' name.

God has truly blessed each of us with our special talents and abilities with which to serve Him and reach others for Jesus. Just as the athletes in Track and Field, we train hard and diligently to run the race or compete in a particular event in order to win the prize. Sometimes we hit a "home run;" sometimes we come in last. Yet in every case, as we seek to serve the Lord and touch the lives of others with Christ's love, we are winners, for we know that no matter what, our "race" in Jesus leads us to the goal of heaven. Each little step in our witness and serve to God is a victory - a PR if you will - because it may lead someone one step closer to forgiveness and salvation in Christ. Thus, in Christ, each of us seeks to "be a prize winner" for Jesus and, by God's grace, touch the lives of others with His love.

Prayer: Father, I know that so many times I fall short of Your glory, yet each time I stumble and fall, You are there to pick me up, brush me off, and set me on course once again. Your forgiveness uplifts me and encourages me to train spiritually to "run the race" of faith as I live as a vibrant witness to Your grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness in Jesus to the world around me. Send Your Holy Spirit upon me in abundant measure that I may train diligently in Your Word, prepare myself for the "race" in prayer, and "compete" with courage and faith so that I might "be a prize winner" in Jesus who seeks the little victories each day in my service to You and others in Your name. Help me to grow each day in Your Word and strengthen my faith that I may be a true witness and example to others. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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