Thursday, May 11, 2006

Facing Adversity With God's Strength

"Today's Devotion" For May 11, 2006

Read: Psalm 62; Matthew 7:24-27


"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." (Psalm 62:5, 6)

I have only have one aunt and uncle. My aunt is my mother's sister and is a dear lady with a heart of gold - although she doesn't really want anyone to know. Sadly, she doesn't know Jesus as her Savior and she's going to be eighty years old soon. My uncle, my aunt's husband, is also a man with a heart of gold, but extremely eccentric. He doesn't think too much about "organized religion" and is always searching for the "right" spiritual experience - he travels the world looking for answers to his spiritual questions. He doesn't want to hear the answers God has for him in Christ Jesus. And so my parents, brother, sisters, and I pray for them (they also have two children, my cousins, who don't know Jesus either).

I bring these beloved members of my family to your attention because I've noticed something quite peculiar. As much wealth as they've accumulated and as much property as they own, they still can't find a solution to the things that are troubling them. Money doesn't buy happiness, and I've heard both my aunt and uncle talk about how they've had to "grease palms" in order to do business where they live (I won't reveal the city, but it is windy). Troubles always seem to require monetary resources of some kind to resolve them (at least from their perspective), including spending "big bucks" traveling the world to find "spiritual enlightenment and the "panacea" to all their problems. And they continue to look, just like so many other people in the world who face the troubles sin and the world bring into their lives, failing to make any connection with a permanent solution and peace in their hearts.

The Psalmist (strong evidence suggests it may have been king David), is obviously facing great difficulties in life. It seems that he has many enemies who seek harm for him, not good. He laments the assaults on his mental and emotional peace. Yet, at the same time, he rejoices that God is his "rock" and his "salvation." Instead of looking to his own strength for salvation from his enemies he confesses his faith in God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. It is God who saves. It is God who is our foundation and hope for life and living.

As the Psalmist very clearly proclaims the confidence and trust he has in God in the face of his enemies, we are reminded that God is also our "rock" and "salvation." In Christ Jesus we have a sure and solid foundation for life and living. We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that our sins are forgiven in Him. Holding fast to Him and building our faith, with the help of His Word and Spirit, we can face every trial, every trouble, every temptation, and anything else that would take us away from God's love confident and sure that we are held in the very palm of His hand. We not only receive the strength of His powerful hand to overcome our enemies, but we also (and first of all) are assured by Him that He loves us and forgives us of all our sins. Since there is no greater adversity than the power of Sin in our lives, by faith we stand firm in the Lord as forgiven people facing every obstacle and adversity with God's strength and being filled with His peace and joy.

Prayer: Father, I am confident that no matter how bad things may seem to be, there is nothing that can take me away from You when I stand firmly planted on You as my rock and my salvation. Strengthen my faith and trust in You that I may be a bold and willing witness to Christ's love for others so they, too, might be saved. Keep me firmly planted on the "rock" - which is Jesus - that I may have confidence in the face of adversity and peace in my heart when dangers surround me. By Your grace help me to be a faithful and a true witness to the salvation You have brought into the world in Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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