Monday, May 22, 2006

A Love Better Than Life

"Today's Devotion" For May 22, 2006

Read: Psalm 63; Hebrews 13:1-3, 15, 16


"Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands." (Ps. 63:3, 4)

Recently I had an email from a (I'm assuming) young lady, who noted that the title's of "Today's Devotion" aren't as inspirational or "catchy" as they might be in order to "entice" her and others to read them. As I thought about today's title, trying to be as "creative" as possible without harming the content of the devotion (one hopes to keep them congruent), I came up with a title that, to me, almost sounds like the title of a daytime soap opera. Based on some of the ads I used to see on television, today's title could probably conjure up some interesting story lines.

But there's no better story line than the original purpose and background to David's Psalm 63. He had been surrounded by his enemies many times in his life. As a young shepherd boy he had to drive off lions that threatened the sheep. As a young man, bringing food to his brothers fighting in Saul's army against the Philistines, he had bravely and faithfully lived his faith and trust in God, slaying the giant, Goliath, with his slingshot thereby routing the entire Philistine army. After he was anointed by the prophet, Nathan, to be Saul's successor as king, David had to flee for his life as Saul sought to kill him. As king of Israel, David was in almost continual conflicts with Israel's enemies. With such a history it's not too difficult to understand David's longing for peace and security.

Psalm 63 is filled with David's yearning for God's redemption and protection. Imagery of the soul that "thirsts for You" and a body that "longs for You" (v.1) bring to mind romantic poetry and thoughts one might have for a lover and convey a powerful sense of David's love for God. In the midst of his longing, David declares that nothing is more important to him in life than God's love for him. He trusts that God's love will never fail and he declares his intention to sing his praises with his whole life ("I will lift up my hands" (v. 4) refers both to prayer and doing God's work), for all of his life. It's an endeavor of love that is satisfying, comforting, and filled with an absolute sense of security and safety in God's loving arms. David declaration is on of absolute trust in God's deliverance and redemption in the face of every enemy that faced Israel's king.

The writer to the Hebrews (Hebrews 13) reminds us that we, too, are loved and redeemed by God in Jesus Christ. Redeemed by Christ from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan, we, too, offer a "sacrifice of praise" (v.15) as we confess His name with our lips and in our lives. In the face of every danger, every challenge, and every temptation to sin, God is present with us in Jesus, watches over us with His holy angels (v.2) and leads us to love one another by bearing each other's burdens (v,1, 3). As with David, God's love is better than life itself, for only in His love do we really know what life really is - a full and holy relationship with our Father and Creator who has redeemed us for Himself in Christ.

As we live our lives of faith, we also live lives of love. Having received God's love in abundant measure, we are then moved to love others as we love ourselves. Just like the love one lover has for another, so also is our love for our Father in heaven compelled by His love for and redemption of us in Christ. Just as God's love lives in us and gives us a gift greater than life itself, so also does it move us to love one another, regardless of circumstances, so that He might be praised and glorified, His name proclaimed to all, and His love in Christ declared to all the world - His love that's better than life itself!

Prayer: Father, thank You for all Your blessings to me. You have loved and continue to love me even when I'm not loveable. You continue to shower Your blessings upon me, even when I forsake You for the ways and things of the world. In Your great love for me You sent Jesus to suffer and die for my sins so that, by faith in Him, I might be saved for You and all eternity with You in heaven. Forgive me, Father, for Jesus' sake, for the times I've doubted Your love, failed to love You and others in Your name, and the myriad times I've forgotten to tell others of Your love and forgiveness for them in Jesus. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, help me to live a life that loves You and others in Your name so much that I may be a true example of what David meant when he said, "Your love is better than life." In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved

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