Thursday, May 18, 2006

Jesus Saves Us From Being Condemned

"Today's Devotion" For May 18, 2006

Read: John 3:16-21; Romans 8:1-4


"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." (John 3:17)

One of my favorite new television programs is "Criminal Minds." It's a program that depicts a team of FBI profilers who use forensic evidence and psychological principles to defeat criminal enterprises. One recent story line was about a husband and wife on death row in New York State for killing a number of people, including their own son - a small boy. In reality the father was the culprit and the team was seeking to find the unfound bodies in order to get closure for the missing people's families. In the process the team discovers that the wife and mother is innocent of all charges, but most especially for the one that put her on "Death Row" - the murder of her son. It seems he was still alive and living with a wealthy family. He was living a happy life. He knew nothing of his parents or his father's crimes. His mother had given him up to this family to protect him.

The end result of her actions was that she was sentenced to die - a time which imminent - for her son's "murder." Once the team discovered the deception, they worked feverishly to get her exonerated by proving her son was alive. As the lead agent, Gideon, sought to get her to allow him to free her, she refused. Finally, just as other team members were about to tell the now grown and talented young man, Gideon acquiesced to the mother's wishes and told the agents to leave the boy and his family alone. The mother chose to go to her grave, condemned for something she didn't do, so her son would not have to be condemned to a life that either would have killed him or led him to jail.

When Jesus declared to Nicodemus that He was the pure and total manifestation of God's love and salvation for the world, He used the example of Moses raising the golden serpent by which God saved Israel from destruction (Jn. 3:15). He noted that "God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son" (Jn. 3:16), who was raised up on a cross to bear the sins of the world on His shoulders. His promise is that those who believe in Him will not "perish, but have eternal life." But Jesus further defines the meaning of John 3:16, when He says to Nicodemus, "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him" (Jn. 3:17). Even though we are deserving of God's wrath toward our sins and His perfect justice demands the final and perfect Judgment, Jesus assures us that His coming into the world wasn't the "Judgment Day" but God's gift of salvation.

Jesus took our place on the Cross - you, me, and everyone - so that we might not be condemned but redeemed. Our sins are forgiven. God's peace, hope, love, joy, grace, and mercy fill our lives with purpose and meaning. He offers Hisfull and complete forgiveness to everyone in Christ Jesus. We don't stand condemned for our sins - Jesus did. We don't stand condemned to eternal hellfire - Jesus suffered it for us. We don't stand forsaken by our Father in heaven because of our sins - Jesus experienced it for us. God Himself stood accused of our sins. God Himself, made human flesh in Jesus Christ, bore our sins, our suffering, our frustrations, our pain, our anguish, and all our fears. He lived a perfectly faithful and obedient life for us so that we no longer stand condemned before God. By faith in Jesus we are saved. Our "sentence" to eternal damnation is commuted and we are pardoned. Jesus has saved us from being condemned for our sins and gives us the promise of a life filled with His peace and joy both now and forever.

Prayer: Father, thank You for sending Your One and Only Son into the world to save me, not condemn me. You became human flesh in Jesus so that I might fully know that You understand my plight and love me with a love that transcends any other love from anyone or anything. Fill my life with Your grace and mercy, Your love and peace, Your joy and hope so that I may be a living witness of Your love in Jesus, Your forgiveness in His blood, and Your promise of eternal life in His resurrection. Help me to touch the lives of other with the joy You have given me. In Jesus' precious and most holy name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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