Saturday, May 27, 2006

Pondering God's Mighty Deeds

"Today's Devotion" For May 27, 2006

Read: Psalm 111; Revelation 15:1-4


"Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever." (Psalm 111:2, 3)

This is graduation time all over the nation. In our family we've had a college graduation, a high school graduation (today), and an elementary school graduation (next week - two: our youngest daughter and a nephew). Other families are experiencing the same events as well. Graduation is a time to celebrate the culmination of long hours and years of studying, late night cramming for finals, and the opportunity to move on to the next step in one's life. Each graduating class, at least at the high school and college levels, gives recognition to those who have excelled in their studies. Valedictorians, salutatorians, and honors scholars are recognized. In many colleges and high schools, speeches are given by the highest academic achievers, often pondering the future, remembering the past, and celebrating the present.

Sadly, however, after all the pomp and circumstance, reality sets in. Even while this year's graduates are celebrating their accomplishments and graduation, the next step in their lives is looming. What successes one had in elementary school, high school, or college don't necessarily translate into future successes. Where one might have been a "star" athlete, that same person, at the next level, is only average. Where one might have been a "4.0" student (straight A's across the board) at one level, at the next pulling a "2.0" may be a success. While it's great to celebrate each other's accomplishments and acknowledge each other's successes, the reality is such things are fleeting at best. Tomorrow comes and no one remembers your name.

Yet, while we have the tendency to focus on ourselves and our accomplishments, the fact that they are fleeting sends us looking for something of permanence to hang our hats on. The Psalmist encourages us to turn our attention to God, to praise Him and all His works, and to ponder the marvelous, wonderful, glorious, majestic works of our righteous and loving God. His great and wonderful deeds bless His people and strengthen them in their daily lives. You and I, as His beloved children in Jesus Christ give thanks and praise that our God is with us and blesses us with so many great and marvelous gifts. As the graduates go on to the next steps, challenges, and opportunities in their lives, we pray that they, and we, will continue to ponder the goodness, greatness, majesty, and righteousness of our God. And, in such pondering, may we be strengthened to reflect His glory, majesty, and righteousness in our lives of service to Him and others in Jesus' name.

Prayer: Father, I praise and magnify Your holy name as I see and experience Your mighty deeds, Your faithfulness, Your glory, Your majesty, and Your righteousness in my life and in the world around me. Give me pause to ponder Your might deeds and realize that all that I am and have comes from Your loving, gracious, and almighty hand. Forgive me for too often getting caught up in my own accomplishments, my own troubles, my own challenges, and my own ego and forgetting that without out Your love and forgiveness for in Jesus Christ my accomplishments mean nothing, my troubles are impossible, my challenges are too great, and my ego keeps me from acknowledging You. Father, I pray that You would continue to send Your Holy Spirit into my life that I may seek Your wisdom in Your Word, be prepared to share Your love in season and out of season, and live my life as a loving and living witness of Your greatness, Your glory, Your majesty, and Your righteousness. May my witness prove to be effective to others so they too might ponder on Your mighty deeds and come to know Jesus as their Savior; in whose most holy and precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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