Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Certain Of God's Blessings

"Today's Devotion" For May 10, 2006

Read: Psalm 37:1-9; Matthew 6:25-34


"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4)

Have you ever wanted something in a really "bad" way? You know what I mean - wanting something so badly that you'd do almost anything for it. For some folks that means a corner office in the executive suite - after stomping on a few heads on the way up the corporate ladder. For still others, it might mean insider trading and "cooking" the books in order to have the wealth and resources that such a person craves. Then there are those who make "back room deals" to gain public office or a new contract. Of course there are others examples, but this paragraph is already beginning to look like the plot of a whole bunch of old movies.

There's an old saying that "Art imitates life." Movie plots have been woven around such situation as we've noted above, simply because they are a fact. It seems as if those who harm others, disobey the law, care only for themselves, and have a general disregard and disdain for others always seem to have it all. Those who "play by the rules" and are good neighbors and friends, faithful workers, and faithful in their service to God all too often seem to end up on the short end of the stick. I don't doubt that each of us feels at times that people with no relationship with God are blessed to have everything they could possibly want, still reach for more, and continually seem to be ahead of the game.

Yet, God's promise to us, as David notes in Psalm 37, is that those who are faithful to Him, who trust in Him and "do good" - obey Him and serve others in His name - will have more than plenty. They will know the security of a relationship with God that no one and nothing can take away from them. They will be blessed with every good things from the Father's hand because He is the One to whom they turn, believe, and serve. Those who put God's will and purpose first in their lives, those who "delight themselves in the Lord," will know the wonder and power of God's blessings to them as He fulfills the desires of their hearts.

When we "delight in the Lord," we are putting Him and His Will first in our lives. "Delighting" in the Lord, we receive His forgiveness in Christ Jesus and all we are and have are dedicated to His service and to sharing His love with others. Our whole being yearns to serve Him faithfully and fully in our lives. Because He has redeemed us and keeps us in Himself, we seek nothing more or less than to live in a full and blessed relationship with Him all the days of our lives. Jesus' own words in His Sermon on the Mount remind us that we have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about, and nothing that can separate us from His love. Everything we need for life and living is His gift to us each day - a gift, by the way, that He also gives to those who don't believe in Him. In Christ Jesus, our heavenly Father has blessed us with our "heart's desire" - to know Him, to love Him, and to live in His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness both here on earth and hereafter in eternity. We are certain of God's blessings in Jesus and that gives us strength and hope for overcoming the world and living for Jesus.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for so often believing that those who don't know You, are not repentant of their sins, and who could care less about Your Will have it better than I do. I know that You are always blessing me with Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Jesus. Help me to trust in You for all things, knowing You will give me what I need - whatever is necessary for my life and my relationship with You. Remind me that by faith in Jesus my whole being is redeemed to You and I am Yours. Help me to be a faithful witness to others of that love You have given me so they, too, might believe and be welcomed into Your loving and gracious arms. I realize, Father, that You are in charge and that the wicked will not have their way. Hear me gracious Father for the sake of Christ. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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