Monday, July 18, 2005

A Truly Giving Heart

"Today's Devotion" For July 18, 2005

Read: Matthew 6:1-4; Leviticus 15:7-11


"Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them...Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Mt. 6:1a,4b)

The three bedrock principles of Jewish piety were almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. Practiced according to the will of God, these principles provided the Jewish believer the opportunities to both exercise his faith in the promises of God, and to be strengthened in his relationship with God by focusing on service to God and to man. Almsgiving was a great opportunity to serve God by showing love and compassion to those in need. Unfortunately, rather than remain an unselfish act born of faithful relationship with God, it had been turned into a showy act by which many wealthy people, especially the leaders of the Jews, propped themselves up before the people.

Philanthropy in our day and age isn't really so very much different. Ofttimes giving is made with huge fanfare, frequently for the political or popularity gains. Then, too, there are those who give anonymously for purely altruistic purposes. Some psychological research also suggests, however, that many such philanthropic givers do so because they're afraid someone might steal what they have. At the same time, while none of us may be so financially or materially fortunate to give away lots of money, we may very well be reluctant to give of ourselves unless there is some reward or recognition for that giving and service. Certainly it's often the case that human nature seeks to be acknowledged for its good behavior. Our Lord Jesus calls us, as His disciples, to a different standard.

Giving of our time, talents and treasures is something we all too frequently accept as part of faith on an intellectual basis, but not a heart basis. The new righteousness to which Jesus calls us leads us to give, regardless of personal gain or public recognition. We give in response to all of God's blessings to us. It's so much a part of our spiritual nature since we've become new creations in Christ that the only thing we care about is how well we can serve others in the Lord's name. Rest assured that God's grace, according to Jesus' own promise, is great. Our "Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." That reward is heaven-eternal life with Christ.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You have shown to me what giving really means, having shed Your very life's blood on the Cross for me. Having redeemed me, You have freed me to serve others in Your name, with no thought of reward, only concern for their needs. Lead me Lord, by Your Word and Spirit, to be faithful in serving others for You, so they too can grow to know You and Your love and receive eternal life. Hear me, O Lord Jesus. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @ 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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