Thursday, July 21, 2005

No Bite At All

“Today’s Devotion” For July 22, 2005

Read: John 16:17-33; I John 5:1-5


"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace; in this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." (Jn. 17:33)

There are an awful lot of scary things in this world. During the summer, each year, we hear about all the "be carefuls." We're told to be careful of mosquitoes because they can carry the West Nile virus. When anyone goes into a field, goes camping, or spends any time in the outdoors, the warnings to be careful because chiggers and ticks can infect us with Lyme's Disease. Of course there are also the "ever-present" dangers from prairie dogs exposed to African rodents seeking to infect people with "monkey pox," as was the case back in the summer of 2003. It's even been noted that the venom of a Daddy-Long-Legs spider is more poisonous and potentially more deadly than that of both the Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders. The difference in the danger, however, is that the jaws of the Daddy-Long-Legs spider can't open wide enough to bite a human being.

Now I'm not trying to make light of all these things, because they can be "deadly" serious in their effects on people. Then again, so can wars, terrorism, drive-by shootings, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, speeding and reckless driving, cell-phones, etc. The list is endless. We're even told that many of the foods we eat aren't necessarily healthy for us. To top it all off, because all these things challenge our sense of security and personal well-being, they take a toll on us and our relationships with one another.

That's why it's so important for us to be reminded that Jesus has overcome the world. In Him we have nothing to fear. All the troubles, trials, and tribulations of life can't take us away from God's love for us in Christ. Sin and Satan have had their power and control over us ended. They've been "defanged" and have "no bite at all," and are, finally, unable to separate us from God's peace in Christ. No matter what physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual challenges we may face each day, we belong to Christ. In Him we have forgiveness of all our sins and the promise and hope of eternal life. Because of Jesus, we can live life fully, without fear over every "Chicken Little" cry of "the sky is falling" that comes our way. Just as with the Daddy-Long-Legs spider's bite, all the dangers and challenges of life we face each day have "no bite at all" because Jesus has overcome the world. We have nothing to fear. We have everything for which to give thanks. What a great God and Savior we have!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You have overcome the power of Sin, Death, and Satan for me so that I might have forgiveness of my sins, the hope of eternal life, and the assurance that the "devil, as a roaring lion," is no longer able to "devour" me. You've taken away the bite of Sin, Death, and Satan. Their "venom" can no longer harm me as long as I remain in Your love. Keep me, by the power of Your Word and Spirit, in Your grace and truth. Help me to overcome the temptations of the world and my own sinful flesh, and to live as an ambassador of Your mercy and grace to everyone around me. Give me peace and keep me, and all Your people, safe from everything that would harm us in body or soul. In Your most precious and holy name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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