Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Renewed And Restored Daily

"Today's Devotion" For July 12, 2005

Read: II Corinthians 4:1-18; Psalm 80


"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint." (Is. 40:31)

I have this terrible habit of falling asleep at night before I'm ready to go to bed (I suffer from sleep apnea which can lead to the dozing off without warning). As a result I'll wake up with the lights and the television on, and "Today's Devotion" not completed. It might be as late as 2am. So I get up, go down to my computer, and get to writing (I'm eternally grateful to God that His Spirit does the work or nothing I'd ever write would make any sense:>). Of course, by the time I'm done it can be as late (or early, depending on your perspective) as 3 or 4 am. Then it's off to sleep for three or four hours and the new day starts. After awhile this gets to be quite old, and, as it happened, yesterday morning I woke up pretty tired. Trying to get any work done was really tough. Yet, as they say, "the show must go on," so I muddled through the morning, but wasn't very effective.

I'm certain that you've had days like that as well. It's not a situation unique to me. And, perhaps, you too become spiritually tired, as I do from time to time. Some days I feel so "burned out" spiritually that I'd just as soon not write "Today's Devotion." There are times when I want to throw my hands up and just give up on the ministry God has given me because it's so hard to get others to understand it and the emotional and spiritual stress can become overwhelming. During these times of spiritual overload I find myself "muddling" along and I'm always amazed that, somehow, when all is said and done, when I come out at the other end I'm spiritually stronger and more full of peace and joy than I could ever have imagined possible. It's at those times that I'm brought face to face with God's promises to keep me in His grace and to renew my soul.

Living as a disciple of Jesus Christ is no picnic. Discipleship is hard work. We're challenged physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually as we live for Christ in the world. While we live in the Kingdom of Heaven as Baptized children of our heavenly Father, we also still live on the earth, in the world. We are called to live "in" the world but not to be "of" the world. Christ's call to discipleship is fraught with problems and challenges from everyone and everything. A good example of this may be seen in how President Bush, who hasn't made any secret of his faith in Jesus, is set upon by all sorts of people criticizing him for living out his faith and sharing his faith as the President of the United States. At the same time, as he struggles through the criticism, I'm heartened by his openness about trusting in the Lord for guidance and taking the time to pray. (Another lesson might be the one where he goes to bed early and rises early--"Poor Richard" would be proud.)

God's promise to us is that He will daily renew us and restore us by the power of His Word and Spirit. We're not left on our own to be overwhelmed by the world or the ministries He has given us. In Christ we are made new creatures and He continues to strengthen us and empower us to be His witnesses to all the world. As we face those days when we're tired, both physically and spiritually, we give thanks and take heart that the Spirit will uplift us and renew us "on eagles wings."

Prayer: Father, I thank You that no matter the circumstances in my life I can always depend on Your Word and Spirit to lift me up, renew me, and restore my spirit. When I'm struggling with my faith and my service in Jesus' name, You always find a way to strengthen me and send me soaring "on eagles' wings" above the fray so that I am not overwhelmed and kept away from You. Father, I pray that You would give me the courage and strength each day to meet every challenge, face every difficulty, and seize every opportunity that I may come my way, so that, in the end, I might be a faithful disciple and witness of Your love to the world in Jesus Christ; in Whose precious and most holy name I pray. Amen.
--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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