Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Bad Dream?

"Today's Devotion" For July 19, 2005

Read: II Corinthians 9:8-15; Psalm 95:1-7


"Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." (Ps. 95:6)

Toby was a little boy who didn't like going to church. He complained that it took too long, the sermon was boring, and the music wasn't his style. So when his mother told him it was time for bed because they had to get up early for church in the morning, Toby raised a fuss. Even though his mother reminded him that he was going to church to praise God and thank Him for all the blessings Toby had received, Toby flat out just didn't care.

That night Toby had a really bad dream. He found himself sleeping outside and he had no blanket or jacket to fight off the cold. He was cold, thirsty, and hungry. He looked around him and saw thousands of other people, children and adults, with no bed to sleep in, no warm clothing to ward off the cold, scrounging in garbage cans to find food scraps, and exhibiting signs of disease and malnutrition. For himself, Toby could find no food, clothing or shelter either. He was all alone, with no one to care, or to take care of him. No mom, or dad, or family, or friends.

Toby awoke with a start. He was shivering and frightened. The dream had been so real that he believed that it had really happened. For the rest of the night, until it was time to get up, Toby stayed awake and wondered about his dream. In the morning, Toby leaped out of bed, got dressed, ran downstairs for breakfast, asking with excitement if it was time for church. "I have so many things to be thankful for, Mom," he said. I need to get to church to worship Jesus and say thank You!"

Is your life a "bad dream" so that you forget God's blessings to you? From time-to-time this is true for all of us. God blesses us with so many things that we often take them for granted, including the Word and Sacraments. Often we not only forget to say thanks, but we also ignore His Word and worship and stay in that bed on Sunday morning. We forget to count our blessings and remember that they come from God, and should not be taken for granted. Perhaps we need to challenge ourselves to, literally, "count our blessings," writing them down and then specifically thanking God for them. Perhaps this can help us to not only give thanks, but also to remember from whom our blessings flow and how much He loves us.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I am not always prepared to give You thanks for Your blessings to me. Often I am in need of having a "bad dream" like Toby's so that I may remember how much I need You every day. So often I forget that worship is an important part of my experiencing of Your blessings and that even when it's "boring" Your Holy Spirit is still working faith and hope in my heart through the Word and Sacraments. Help me to see that You are always there for me, and that I lack nothing. Help me to praise You daily and give thanks. Hear my prayer, O Lord Christ! Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @ 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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