Thursday, July 21, 2005

In Heaven On Earth?

"Today's Devotion" For July 21, 2005

Read: John 14:1-7; Revelation 21:1-5


"There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."(Rev. 21:4)

How often do you think about heaven? I know that I often take it for granted, not thinking too much about what it means to really be "in heaven." A fourth grade Sunday School teacher once asked her class to describe how each of them viewed heaven. Their responses were quite enlightening:

1) "Only good people go to heaven. The others go to where it's hot all the time, like Florida."
2) "Maybe I'll die someday, but I hope I don't die on my birthday, because it's no fun to celebrate your birthday when you're dead."
3) "When you die, you don't have to do homework in heaven, unless your teacher is there too."

"Out of the mouths of babes," goes the old saying! While humorous, these responses from the children sadly see heaven as an extension of our life on earth, only better. Many adults with whom I've spoken about heaven over the years often hold the same kind of pictures of heaven in their minds. Even many Christians speak about "going to (a) heaven" when they die where everything will be better than on earth. Yet, according to God, heaven isn't an extension of life on earth, but being fully in His presence for eternity. The ravages of Sin on body, soul, and spirit are left behind; the full brunt of death for an eternity without God has been defeated. Sadly, however, too many people don't even believe in heaven. A recent research project on religious beliefs shares a statistic that over fifty-percent of Christians are more inclined to believe in reincarnation than heaven. Which leads to the question: "If there's no heaven then how can there be a hell?" Without "Hell" there are no ultimate consequences for sin, and, thus, no curb on how people treat one another. While many might like to put Heaven and Hell into the fantasies and stories section of the local bookstore, they are, however, not fantasies and stories. Yet, sadly, Heaven and Hell are too often seen in that way by the world and the consequences are both devastating and eternal.

God's children in Christ believe that Heaven is being fully in the presence of God as redeemed, restored, and forgiven people of God through faith in Jesus Christ. How's that for a definition of heaven? On the surface it's a pretty solid, academic definition. Yet to be a redeemed, restored, and forgiven child of God in Jesus Christ is a powerful blessing. It means God loves us and hasn't forsaken us to the eternal ravages of Sin and Death. We're not left on our own to deal with the consequences of Sin. Our Father in heaven knows our every fear, our every want, and our every need. Our Lord Jesus understands every temptation we face, every pain we endure, and every sorrow we feel. Each day the Holy Spirit reminds us in the Word and in our Baptisms that we live in the very presence of God now, having been given new life in Christ through Baptism's regeneration. In Christ we are living in the kingdom of heaven while on earth. We don't have to wait until we die to experience the blessings of God's presence and living in His kingdom. We are living in His presence right now, today. The Kingdom of Heaven is upon us, and the icing on the cake our Father's promise that we will forever be in His presence and Jesus' loving arms when He finally calls us home.

Prayer: Father, You have promised to prepare a place for me and all Your saints in heaven through Jesus. Help me to remain faithful to You that I may claim the "crown of life that doesn't fade away." As I live each day by faith in Christ, remind me that in Him the Kingdom of Heaven is upon me even while I still live. In that assurance let my life be one of faith and witness that shows others Your love, grace, and mercy living in me. Let Your Holy Spirit use me to bring many to a saving knowledge of You, and into the Kingdom of Heaven. When problems, sorrows, pain, trials and tribulations arise, help me to take comfort and strength in not only Your love for me, but also the fact that Heaven is my home and nothing can keep me from it. Hear my pray Gracious Father for Jesus' sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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