Monday, July 25, 2005

Quiet! Be Still!

"Today's Devotion" For July 25, 2005

Read: Mark 4:35-41; Psalm 107


"He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, 'Quiet! Be still!' ...He said to His disciples, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?'" (Mk. 4:39,40)

Violence seems to remain in the news. Whether there's another terrorist attack in Iraq, suicide bombers in London, attacks in retaliation for such actions, or just plain street violence, it's obvious our world is both frightening and not terribly safe. When violence occurs in the name of "religion," it seems more than obvious that we've got a problem. Sin has its hold on this world. Because of such a violent world and its potential impact on the international stage, the Congress of the United States is seeking to make permanent many provisions of the "Patriot Act." It's an act borne of fear and uncertainty. It's an act certainly intended to keep the nation safer from terrorism. Whether it will succeed in that purpose is still anyone's guess.

At the same time, we hear that many people still live in fear of traveling, made worse by the memory of the events of "9-11," now almost four years ago (although many have become so innured to the violence that they take it in stride). That fear has been translated into security checks, baggage checks, and searches of persons when people try to board an aircraft. There's hardly anyplace in the world where people don't live in fear. What's more tragic is that violence is so rampant that we even see children behaving more violently. No longer is there a time of life that could reasonably be called an "age of innocence" for many children, especially when we read stories of children as young as 5 actually engaging in sexual and physical violence toward others. Based on the recent spate of murders in the local area, it's going to be a long, hot summer.

Our televisions bring extreme violence into our homes on a regular basis. We are shown the devastation of a hurricane, the destruction of an erupting volcano, the scorched earth of raging, uncontrolled wildfires, and the tangled wreckage of a tornado. While human beings are responsible for horrible violence toward one another, no human violence can match the force of violence generated by nature. What's even more frightening is that, while we at least have some control over human violence, we have none over nature's violence. Who could have envisioned the destructive force of nature unleashed in the tsunami of Southwest Asia this past December? It's here, then, that we gain our hope in the face of this violent and unpredictable world, as we see Jesus calmly calming a storm in the face of the disciples' fear.

In the face of all the violence that we face in the world, both human and natural, the calming and soothing words of our Lord, "Quiet! Be still!" come to us. His very words silence the wind and calm the waves. His very Word calms our fears and assures us that our sins are forgiven and no amount of violence can take us away from His love. His Word calms the "storm tossed, sinful hearts" of those who hear that Word and believe. He calls us, His dear children, to be the bearers of that Word of peace to a lost and fallen world. Resting unafraid in His loving arms, confident in His presence and love, rejoicing in the forgiveness of our sins, and filled with faith and hope in His promises, we are His living message of "Quiet! Be still!" to the world.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, as the disciples in the boat with You were afraid in the face of the storm, so am I afraid as I face the uncertainty of the "storms of life" that surround me. Everywhere I look I see things that bring fear and unease into my life. The violent events going on around the world and in my own community, bring fear and uncertainty to so many people. Lord, help me to overcome these fears, knowing that if You can calm the storm, You can keep me safe in Your almighty arms from anything that would harm me in body or soul. Let there be nothing that I fear, knowing that there is nothing too large or too small that You can't help me face and overcome. Precious Lord, hear my prayer for Your name's sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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