Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Forgiveness Most Difficult

"Today's Devotion" For July 6, 2005

Read: Matthew 19:1-9; Ephesians 4:29-5:20


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Eph. 4:32)

The older I get and the more my relationship with God grows in Jesus Christ, the more sensitive I am becoming to those of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are hurting. Especially grievous is the pain I feel for those who are suffering from major difficulties in their marriages because of the intensely personal nature of the pain they feel.

A couple of years ago it came to my attention that a person I knew quite well and with whom I had done significant volunteer work, was getting a divorce from her husband. I was shocked. I'd been working closely with her for some time and had absolutely no idea. A little embarrassed at my lack of insight, I approached her one evening after a meeting with my concerns for her and her husband, and to let her know I would be praying for her.

She shared some of the basic facts: that her husband refused counseling; that he was living with his new girlfriend; that the situation had come to light over the past year; and that the divorce would be final this week. In all of this I was overwhelmed and humbled by both her suffering and her expressions of love for her husband, even under the most trying of circumstances. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be willing to forgive someone in such circumstances. It's even more incredible that any of us could continue to love another when that has devastated our trust and broken the bond between us. How much more difficult is this in the case of marriage when the promises broken are promises of faithfulness and fidelity to one another made before God? As this lady shared her thoughts with me, I assured her that I would be lifting her up before the Lord in prayer. Quietly, but firmly, she entreated me to also pray for her husband whom she still dearly loves.

Such faith and compassion are a part and parcel of our relationship with God. In Christ we all have the same capacity to forgive others when they sin against us, just as God has forgiven us of all our sins against Him. Our Father in heaven knows the pain of broken trust and broken promises. He has personally experienced them because we, His children, have been guilty of such behavior since Adam and Eve first disobeyed Him and broke trust with Him in the Garden of Eden. Our Savior Jesus gives us the prime example for such "forgiveness most difficult" as He spoke those famous words from the Cross, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing."

Do you know someone like this sister and brother in Christ who are going through such difficult times? Has there been someone who has broken trust with you and made life even more difficult for you? Have you broken trust with someone you love, a spouse, a parent, a sibling, or a friend, who could benefit from a word of repentance from you? Whatever situations there may be in your life where there is need of repentance and forgiveness, remember that repentance is never easy - nor, for that matter, is forgiveness - without the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Forgiveness is a most difficult thing, but it is the act of a humble, faithful heart that lives fully delighting and rejoicing in receiving God's forgiveness.

God give you peace as you daily come before Him repenting of your sins and receiving His forgiveness in Jesus Christ. May He also give you the strength to live "forgiveness most difficult" in your relationships with others, forgiving as He has forgiven you.

Prayer: Father, I pray for all those members of the Body of Christ who are hurting in any way, but especially this day for those who are suffering from the pain of broken trust and promises between spouses and other loved ones. Forgiveness is a most difficult proposition for anyone under any circumstances, but Father, under such circumstances where intimacy is broken, forgiveness is even more difficult. Father, You know better than I do how difficult it is to forgive. You have had Your entire Creation break trust and faith with You, and yet, in Your great love, You have provided it with the forgiveness of sins, freely, without charge and in abundant measure through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Give me and all Your people the faith and humility we need to practice "forgiveness most difficult." Free me from the burden of my sins so that I may proclaim Your love to everyone I love and touch every day. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @ 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved

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