Monday, July 04, 2005

True Freedom: In Christ We Are Free Indeed!

"Today's Devotion" For July 4, 2005

Read: Romans 8:18-25; Psalm 118


"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (Jn. 8: 36)

Today we celebrate another American Independence Day. July 4th carries great meaning in the annuls of the United States. On a world-wide scale, July 4th isn't just the Day of Independence for the United States of America, and the formation of a new nation, "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal," but it's a "tipping point" for the "modern" promotion and development of democracy around the world. From its beginning, the concept of freedom and the democratic ideals that support it found ready ears. In our newest century, in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, China, Indonesia, and others, people struggle to gain the freedom that a democracy affords.

People want to be free. The news this past week has been about the increased insurgency in Afghanistan. Iraq is finding itself under more intense pressure from those who would destroy the freedoms its new government is trying to provide. The free and open elections of these two nations, giving hope for freedom and democracy to millions of people, seem to be a catalyst for greater violence from those who seek to exercise domination over the people. In other places in the world, democratic ideals continue to raise the hopes of oppressed people. Under the guidance and encouragement of our President and the unselfish service of our military men and women, two nations which were havens for cruelty and murder four years ago, now have an opportunity to make democracy and freedom work for them. The struggle continues for personal freedom and liberty. And it will continue to do so as long as this earth exists because, always in the background, is that insidious enemy of humanity--Sin.

Until people know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior from Sin, victorious over Death and the grave, Satan and Hell, true freedom will always be elusive. You and I have received this precious gift that, regardless of our political circumstances in life, sets us free to know God's love and to love Him in return. We are freed in the forgiveness of our sins so that we don't have to worry about "free elections" or "democratic reforms" to live at peace with God and with others. We are truly free, in the purest sense of the term, because Christ has set us free to know Him and His love, and to serve Him and others in His name. The greatest witness we can give to true freedom is how we conduct ourselves in the face of the direst circumstances, for, no matter what, loving others in Jesus' name is the greatest evidence of a people truly free. I've been heartened by a number of accounts of such Christian love shown by our soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan, Christian men and women, some who lost their lives, loving those who would be their enemies, all in the name of being "Free Indeed" in Jesus Christ.

On this Fourth of July, 2005, may our celebration be centered on both the political freedoms we enjoy, and the opportunities through those freedoms to freely and boldly share the love of Christ with a lost and dying world. Only in Jesus can anyone be truly free, for only in Jesus are the old enemies of Sin and Satan defeated. If a nation is to be truly free, spiritual freedom must be at the very heart of its efforts. Only then can freedom ring for all.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, as I and my fellow countrymen celebrate Independence Day and our political, democratic freedom this weekend, I pray that You would help us to focus on the reality that the only true freedom we have is the freedom from Sin, Death, and Satan that Jesus bought for the whole world on the Cross. Keep me ever mindful that true freedom on earth requires true freedom from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan in my heart and my life. Only when Jesus sets people free can true freedom truly exist. Help me, and all Your people, everywhere, seek to share that true freedom in Christ with others, for only then can people be "truly free indeed!" In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @ 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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