Saturday, August 27, 2005

We Are Instruments Of His Healing Touch

"Today's Devotion" For August 27, 2005

Read: Matthew 14:34-36; Jeremiah 33:6-9


"People...begged Him to let the sick just touch the edge of His cloak, and all who touched Him were healed." (Mt. 14:36)

When a little baby is hungry, hurting, or ill, the touch of his mother can bring calm and fill his need. When a small child hurts herself, she runs to her mother for comfort and healing. Psychologists tell us that the touch of another human being is especially significant in its healing powers when someone is hurting or distraught, especially a loved one. There is a sizeable body of research which supports a greater life expectancy for people who are married and share hugs and affection on a regular basis with their spouses (A word of caution: If you're single don't fret. The affection part of the research is hugely critical. Just being married for the sake of being married could be a disaster:>). While most people would say that skilled surgeons and physicians have a healing touch, it should be noted that it's not just their physical touch that has an impact on healing. One of the most critical skills of these medical professionals is their bedside manner which can have a great effect on a patient's emotional and mental well-being, greatly affecting that person's recovery from illness, disease, or surgery.

It would be fair to say, from a great body of empirical research, anecdotal evidence, and God's Word that the touch of someone's "hand" has great significance for the health and welfare of every human being. The "touch" of another can have a powerful, healing effect both physically and emotionally. At the same time, a "touch" can also have a deleterious effect, causing pain and anguish, despair and depression. In a sinful world, a "touch" - by a hand, a look, the inflection and tone of a voice, body language - has great power to uplift or to destroy. In the face of such reality, what can we learn from Jesus about the value of a "healing touch?"

In a sinful world, such touches precious. As we read about those who were healed just by touching the edge of Jesus' cloak, a powerful picture of God's love and compassion for sinners takes shape. Jesus' reputation had preceded Him. People recognized Him and sent word to the surrounding area, announcing His presence. Filled with hope and anticipation, people came from miles around, bringing their sick family and friends for Him to heal. So powerful was their faith in His power to heal - His healing touch - that all they asked was to have the opportunity to just touch the edge of His cloak. Matthew tells us that when they did - when people touched Jesus' cloak - they were healed. It didn't matter who they were, what they had done, what their diseases or infirmities were, or whether they were rich or poor; all who touched Jesus' cloak were healed.

Further reading in Matthew and elsewhere in the Gospels will make it abundantly clear that it's quite probable that most who touched Jesus' cloak didn't yet understand His mission of salvation. Most quite probably didn't believe that He was the He was their Savior from Sin. At the same time, there's good evidence that they did believe that God had sent Him, as witnessed by the fact that they believed even touching His cloak could heal. What a marvelous picture of Jesus' power and compassion for humanity! He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. All things belong to Him, for, as John points out (Jn. 1:1, 2), "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made." Jesus truly rules over all things and all conditions, compassionately and lovingly giving of Himself to heal, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Jesus' healing touch is for everyone. In order to heal the world from Sin, preserve it from Death, and keep it out of the clutches of Satan, He took the sins of the whole world upon Himself and died the death that all humanity deserves to die for its disobedience to God. Jesus' came to save everyone. His love is for all people. His authority over the entire universe is for the everlasting benefit of all. There is nothing He cannot do and will not do to save sinners. We, who are the recipients of His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness by faith, marked for God in our Baptisms, are called to be Jesus' "healing touch" to the world around us. Through us, as we share the Word and His love, He touches the hearts, minds, and lives of people still today. We are His "instruments of healing" as we share His touch with everyone, especially those who are in desperate need of touching "the edge of His cloak." As we step forward in faith each day, serving the Lord and others in His name, it is good for us to be watching for the opportunities He gives us to be "instruments of healing," sharing His healing touch in our own lives with others. We, too, need to take every opportunity, as we grow in the Word, to just "touch the edge of His cloak" and receive the healing He brings through the blood He shed for all on the Cross. God bless you with a life filled with Jesus' healing touch.

Prayer: Father, I don't always show affection to others in a way that shares Jesus' healing touch with them. So often I get put off by how people look, how they dress, how they behave, how they speak, and a host of other things that allow me to put up barriers which keep me from being compassionate and loving toward them. Forgive me, Father, for such unloving response to Jesus' healing touch in my life. Because of Him I can stand before Your throne of Grace a forgiven and redeemed child, the stain of my sins washed away by His blood and righteousness. Father, I pray that as my Lord Jesus healed all who came to just "touch the edge of His cloak," and as He has brought that same healing into my life through Holy Baptism, the Lord's Supper, and the Word, give me the courage, compassion, and, especially, the love to reach out to all who are in need of Jesus' healing touch" as an "instrument of healing" in His name. Hear my prayer gracious Father, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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