Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Being Faithful In Sharing God's Blessings

"Today's Devotion" For August 10, 2005

Read: Matthew 25:14-30; Romans 12:3-8


"'For everyone who has will be given more and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.'"(Mt.25:29)

One of the more amusing sets of commercials shown on television over the past few years have been those promoting You may have seen some of them. In one commercial a husband and wife are planning to go on a vacation to a rather exotic location. The wife is looking at the various lodging possibilities. One of the ads speaks about mosquito netting and she gets this vision in her head of swarms of bugs, huge bugs, invading the bedroom. Needless to say, she chooses a different option. Another shtick has a husband and wife planning a trip where the husband shares potential ideas on activities with his wife. She names some really goofy, avant-garde theater troupe and he has visions of being humiliated on stage by the troupe. Changing direction he gets her to agree to horseback riding. From a parent's perspective, however, the classic commercial for is mom and dad sitting in front of their computer planning their vacation. At that moment their teenage son and his buddy walk in, asking how their vacation plans are going. With that query these parents get this horrible vision in their heads of their son and his friends throwing wild parties in their absence. The next thing you know, they're planning their vacation for three.

While I don't think the marketing people thought about these commercials in just this way, one can't help but realize that each commercial underscores how full of doubt and anxiety people are. Strange, new things present some folks with reasons to be afraid and not try anything new. A perception that circumstances beyond one's control might arise and a person might find themselves in an embarrassing situation brings fear to people’s hearts. Parents seek to allow their children to grow up and become mature, responsible adults, yet mom and dad are fearful that when they're not around they can't trust their child to do what's right. In sharp contrast to these fears, doubts, and anxieties comes Jesus' Parable of the Talents.

God calls us to Himself in Jesus Christ to be His beloved, redeemed, and forgiven children. As His dearly beloved children, God gives us everything we need to serve Him faithfully and to share His love in Jesus Christ with the world. Each of us has wonderful, marvelous talents and abilities by which He equips us to glorify Him and be blessings to others. Through the testimony of our lips and lives, God has given us the opportunities necessary to share the Good News that Christ died for our sins and has been raised again so that we might be forgiven and saved to eternal life. As His beloved and forgiven children we are entrusted with the mission of sharing Christ and the Father's love in Him with the whole world. At His Ascension, Jesus gave us the task of making disciples of all people and gave us the faith and tools to do so in His Word and Spirit. He has entrusted us with such a task until He returns again on the Last Day.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You sent Jesus to free me from Sin and bring me into Your loving arms. With this gift comes a responsibility to share that love with others and be faithful to the talents You have given to me for that purpose. Lead me in service to others in Your name that I may be a faithful witness and instrument of Your love and forgiveness in this world. May all my words and deed faithfully point to You so that others may come to You as well. In Christ my Lord and Savior's name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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