Thursday, August 25, 2005

Serving The Needy And Seedy In Jesus' Name

"Today's Devotion" For August 25, 2005

Read: Matthew 25:31-46: James 2:1-13


"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.'" (Mt. 25:40)

Have you ever seen a homeless person shivering in the cold without adequate clothing? Have you ever seen families looking in dumpsters behind restaurants for food for their next meal? Have you ever noticed that many poor people read and write poorly, if at all? How often do you think such people are able to exercise their franchise and vote so they, too, might have a say in how they are governed? If anyone cares to take a close look at the circumstances of the poor among us, particularly those living in our central cities, one thing will become quite evident. Those living in such circumstances not only feel disenfranchised, but often are. Of course, by some political standards, such thinking is "liberal." At the same time it’s reality whether we like it or not (those who know me know I’m far from being a liberal). For the most part, however, it always seems as if nothing of substance is ever done to transform and change the lives of those who live in such settings. All too often those things which are done to “serve” those in need are spotty and inconsistent at best. Even more so, rather than providing opportunities to grow, excel, and realize their full potential as the marvelous creation of God they are, the poor and downtrodden are often just pitied and given handouts that continue to keep them dependent on others. Love isn’t something many people want to “waste” on those who can’t return the favor.

For the most part, people don't want to be bothered by those different from them. If they're needy, seedy, poor, and downtrodden people tend to look the other way. While it's true that there are many who offer to serve in such settings and give generously and graciously of their time, talents, and treasures to help alleviate suffering, there are equally, and perhaps more so, those whose only contribution is a reluctant, tax-deductible gift in order to salve their consciences. The truth be told, we human beings are drawn more to those who are wealthy, sophisticated, powerful, and have prestige, than those who are in need and living on the edges of society. It seems that people are more willing to share their "love" with the "beautiful people" than they are with the "ugly people." Yet, God seeks to shower His love in Christ upon even those whom our world would deem "the needy and seedy."

Both Jesus and James speak to this situation in our Scripture readings for today. Jesus is talking about the end times and the Day of Judgment. He's very clear that those who will receive the final gift of heaven will be those who have loved others and served them in their need. Jesus makes it clear that such behavior is an act of faith - a direct result of one's loving and forgiven relationship with the Father through Christ our Lord. In much the same way, James chastises the people of God for playing favorites with the rich, leaving the poor to fend for themselves. James reminds all of us that we are unworthy children, called and redeemed by God's grace in Christ. We are called to live as "those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom" (Js. 2:12). That God loves the downtrodden, the ugly, the seedy, the poor, and the needy, is made abundantly clear by both Jesus and James. God's love for those in need, and who know their need for Him, is made clear by James when he asks, "Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and o inherit the kingdom He promised those who love Him" (Js. 2:5)?

We are blessed by God, not because of what we have done, but out of His great love for us. Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection are the foundation stones of our relationship with God. As Jesus paints the picture of the Judgment Day He specifically points out that God's grace chose us before we ever carried out acts of love and kindness in His name. As Jesus has served us, our calling in Him is to serve those in need, knowing that through such service God's blessings and peace are manifested among us in abundant measure. Made righteous before God by our Lord's sacrifice on the Cross, we stand before our Lord, motivated by His love to serve others in His name, especially touching the lives of the poor among us so they can face their circumstances with the joy and peace Jesus brings.

Prayer: Father, in Your grace and love You have blessed all Your children with the confidence that, in Christ, they have eternal life. Help me to be faithful to this truth and continue to love others in Your name. Help me to avoid the trap of loving those who are "lovable" and ignoring those who are "unlovable." Allow me to serve You as I touch the lives of others, particularly those who are the most needy, so that I may fully live the life of faith and forgiveness You have so graciously given me in Jesus. Let my life and witness be truly pleasing to You and so effective that many may be led to receive Your eternal blessing as well. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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