Tuesday, August 23, 2005

God - A Very Present Help In Trouble

"Today's Devotion" For August 23, 2005

Read: Psalm 46; Psalm 62


"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble...Be still and know that I am God..." (Ps. 46:1, 10a)

Perhaps you've noticed that, if you really want a barometer of what's troubling people, or at least where a community's concerns lie, reading the editorial page of the local newspaper is a great place to start. It's a good way to measure a new community's leadership and culture. While people might rail about the "liberal" or "conservative" bent of the local "rag" it's not likely that it will stay in business, even if it's the only show in town, if no one is reading it. A newspaper's circulation is critical for its existence, especially today when there are so many alternative forms of information - many of which are deemed more reliable and objective than most local dailies.

That's why an editorial in the local newspaper caught my eye again this morning. It addresses a growing concern in Milwaukee, as well as a host of cities around the nation. The murder rate is climbing. While that crime statistic dropped sharply last year in many places around the nation, this year it's on a steep return. Numbers such as 57%, 48%, and 28% are cited as rates of increase in the homicides in cities around the country. Those who study these numbers and try to understand why the trend is occurring, cite an increasing level of rage, particularly among young people in central city areas - areas most likely to have residence living in poverty. It's not hard to extrapolate that the young people dying because of arguments which end in gunfire have replaced hope with rage. When hope is dying, then it's not too difficult to replace it with rage - which tends to blame others for one's own troubles. Yet the murders, rage, anger, and hopelessness aren't confined to those in poverty. They affect all layers of society and touch the lives of everyone.

It's not possible to discuss and dissect all the potential issues and circumstances that might be leading to these increases in homicides in this devotion. What we can be sure of is that such numbers reflect the continuing power of Sin in the lives of people, leading them to despair, hopelessness, sadness, pain, sorrow, and, ultimately, rage. Such circumstances, however, are a wake up call to the people of God that the love of God in Jesus Christ, His grace, mercy, forgiveness, and peace all need to be shared as vigorously and often as possible with people everywhere. The people being murdered are our neighbors. They are people Christ died to save from Sin, Death, and Satan. They are people in need of God's forgiving love in Jesus and hope, not just for heaven, but for life, as Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly" (Jn. 10:10). People need to know that God's love in Christ always brings hope and peace with it. People need to know that God has not forsaken them, nor is He far from them.

In such times and under such situations, it's easy to forget Who's in charge. Our heavenly Father reminds us in His Word that we are His and that He watches over us. In today's readings, the Psalmists write about God power and majesty and His mercy and grace. Their message is clear and powerful in the face of all the troubles of this world and the rising incidences of violence fueled by rage and despair. As God's people, it's essential that we not despair but count our blessings; that we put aside worry and put ourselves in God's hands. Of equal importance is God's call to us, in Christ Jesus, to share the message of hope and peace in Jesus with those who are now living in despair that is giving way to the rage of hopelessness.

Some time ago I ran across the following "Memo From God." The author is anonymous so I can't give specific credit. Yet, I can't help but believe the Holy Spirit had a hand in writing these words which seem so appropriate for today. I'm certain we could add some additional ideas which would speak to the very real issues of violence, hatred, rage, hopelessness, and despair that are facing us in our cities today. Please be advised the following has been edited:

"I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I don't need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you can't handle, don't attempt to solve it yourself. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. All situations will be resolved, in a way and time that's best for you, so be patient. Once the matter is placed into the box, don't hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the blessings your life currently contains."

"If you find yourself stuck in traffic, relax and remember how many others don't have any means to get where they need to go. If you find yourself walking because your car has broken down, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk."

"If you're having a bad day at work, think about the man who has been out of work for years. When you wish your weekends were longer, think of the mother alone, working twelve hour days, seven days a week, to feed her children."

"When you see a new gray hair in the mirror, remember the cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy who wishes he or she could just have their hair back. And, should you find yourself struggling to put a meaning to your life, be thankful that you still have the opportunity to do so."

"Should you feel empty because a relationship has gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and to be loved in return. If you find yourself the victim of the bitterness, ignorance, smallness, or insecurities of others, rejoice that in Christ you are whole, forgiven, and loved, and that no one can take that away from you."

Prayer: Father, as I read about the rage that is sweeping the nation, and the subsequent evidence in the growing rate of violent crimes, particularly homicides, I thank You that You have made me Your very own child in Jesus Christ. As Your redeemed child in Jesus, help me to rejoice in Your blessings everyday and find ways to share them with others, raising my voice in praise and honor of Your blessed and holy name. Should the rage and violence so rampant in the world and in the nation personally touch my life, or the lives of those I love, help me to understand, be willing to forgive and put everything into Your hands. Help me to be an active advocate for Your peace and love in Christ to those who are despairing and feeling alone and hopeless. While I would prefer to sit on the sidelines and watch from my own arena of comfort, give me the courage instead to find ways to reach out to help stem the violence and pain with the message of Your love and forgiveness in Christ. Help me to count my blessings each day, and then share them with others, so that You may be glorified and they might come to know Your love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Father, bless those in need of Your peace and strength this day who are in despair over the death of loved ones because of violence, and lead them to see Jesus Who alone is their hope. I pray all this in Jesus' most holy and precious name. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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