Monday, August 01, 2005

Bearing Witness To What's Really True

“Today’s Devotion” For August 1, 2005

Read: II Timothy 3:10-4:5; Psalm 111


"If you believe My Word, then are you My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (Jn. 8:31b - 32)

Not long ago, I met a wonderful grandmother who just loves talking about the issues of the day. We somehow got onto the subject of my family, and I mentioned that my older son had recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq with the Marine Corps. Her response surprised me to say the least. “My goodness,” she exclaimed excitedly, “I hope he’s alright. After all, too many people have already died in a war in which we shouldn’t even be involved!” The discussion that followed was quite revealing. This grandmother is an articulate, informed, and highly intelligent woman. Yet our discussion revealed that much of what she holds to be the “gospel” truth about foreign affairs, and particularly the war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, have no real basis in fact. Even more surprising to me, was that she believes nearly everything she sees and hears on television, and refuses to read newspapers. In short, her opinions are formed for her via television "talking heads" and the opinions of her neighbors.

Sadly, the forming of opinions from unreliable sources doesn’t just take place in the secular realm. While such opinion formation is scary, it’s not as scary as the fact that so many people get their knowledge about the things of God from the same kind of sources. Television programs about the life of Christ show Him to be a womanizer, a huckster, and a cad. Exposure to the Gospel comes via some television preacher who keeps asking for money, for which, in return, the “mark” will receive a "magic" prayer cloth which will work a miracle for that person and head them on the road to fabulous wealth. Of course, we also hear about the “miracles” that have occurred for someone’s aunt, cousin, brother, or other relative as a result of having “purchased” the “magic” prayer cloth. Those who share such accounts are absolutely convinced of the reliability of such claims. Nothing can dissuade them from believing in those “tokens” for blessings. This situation is made even more dramatic and ingrained in the public psyche given the allure of television and, more especially, the internet. So strong are these media of information that people will believe almost piece of information they hear or see through these media - even the spiritual - especially if that information fits their vision of the world and society. It doesn’t seem to matter whether there’s any basis in fact for the claims. As a result, rather than letting God speak to them in His Word, an awful lot of people would rather listen to some popularized account about God that's more palatable than truthful.

It’s into such a situation of life – what in the German is called the “sitz im leben” – that sharing the truth about God with others really becomes important for us as His redeemed children in Jesus Christ. People need to know that Jesus suffered and died for their sins, rising from the dead on the third day to bring forgiveness to all who believe in Him. People need to know that He truly ascended to the right hand of the Father so that all who believe in Him, those declared to be His redeemed children by faith, might have the sure hope and promise of heaven. That's the whole truth, and nothing but. And it's not just the telling but the living that's so vital. It’s important that people see the truth of God’s redemption in Christ played out in our lives and our words. They need to hear the Word shared by us so that the power of the Holy Spirit can touch their lives and lead them to believe the real truth about God's love, forgiveness, and mercy in Christ. Our Father in Heaven calls us to faithfully bear witness to what's really true each and every day for the sake of those who still need to know Him. It’s a privilege and blessing to be called to seize every opportunity for such sharing and witness.

Prayer: Father, there are a lot of falsehoods and myths about many things flying around these days. What's troubling is that so many of them are about You. People turn You into a "pop" God, so that they don't have to really face the truth about themselves, their sins, and their need for Your grace and mercy in the face of Your wrath toward Sin. People ask "WWJD?" - What would Jesus do? - without so much as making the connection between this question and the reality that this is the same Jesus that died on the Cross for the sins of the world. Father, I beseech You to instill in me the burning desire to share the truth of the Gospel in my daily living and speech. Send Your Spirit upon me in abundant measure that I might never shrink from sharing Jesus with others or pointing people to the real truth of Your Word. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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