Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Fish, Or Cut Bait!"

"Today's Devotion" For August 11, 2005

Read: Matthew 22:41-46; Psalm 110


"...Jesus asked them (the Pharisees), 'What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?'" (Mt. 22:41b-42)

Have you ever heard the saying, "Fish, or cut bait?" Basically it means, "Do something! Make a decision! Stand up for what you believe!" I suppose other explanatory phrases could be cited for this "saying," but these probably are as good as any to give it meaning. It's a saying, a phrase, that's usually used in situations of extreme indecision where it's important for those who need to make a decision to get off "dead-center" and decide. Perhaps you, as I, have had moments in our lives where "Fish, or cut bait!" was or would have been helpful in accomplishing a purpose or mission. If so, then what Jesus has to say to the Pharisees will resonate with us as well.

Jesus' questions to the Pharisees, "What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?" are critical questions of salvation, even in today's world. Jesus was calling these leaders of the Jews to make a decision - "Fish, or cut bait!" - concerning their understanding of the Scriptures concerning the Messiah. As they observed Jesus' life and ministry, heard His teachings and observed his miracles, the evidence was mounting that He fit the Scriptural picture of the Christ, who was to be both the son of David and the Son of God. Lest we point fingers at the Pharisees and forget ourselves and the world, it's important to recognize that Jesus still asks these same questions today. Our's and the world's answers to these questions are as crucial as they were for the Pharisees. The true peace and hope of the world, its final salvation and ultimate joy, rest firmly upon the true answers to Jesus' questions to the Pharisees and to us.

As men of their time and adherents of a specific view of the Scriptures which had a political, deterministic overtone for the Jewish state, the Pharisees viewed the Christ as a political and military Messiah. As the Son of David, they viewed Him as the one to lead Israel to victory over its conquerors. The spiritual dimension of the Messiah being their salvation from Sin, Death, and Satan never entered their consciousness. It's a view and expectation that's primary for the world around us as well. Messiahs, and the salvation and freedoms they're supposed to bring, aren't not viewed by the world in spiritual terms but in political and material terms. Even though the world is dying spiritually, resting its hope and dreams of "eternity" on human behavior, human action, and human self-determination, it's blind to the reality that salvation is a gift from God. Instead of having the real hope and comfort of God's peace in Christ, people all over the world are living in the ravages of Sin and unbelief leading to an eternity without Him.

Our Lord Jesus Christ's greatest desire is for the world to truly understand Who He is and what salvation is all about. He calls the world to understand that the salvation promised to David is not political but spiritual. In the Good News of His suffering, death, and resurrection, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus seeks to open the hearts and minds of people lost in Sin and unbelief to His love and forgiveness, His grace and His mercy. Jesus wants everyone to know and believe that He came to give people life, and life abundantly by faith in His blood. His righteousness has purchased the lives of every human being from the clutches of Sin, Death, and Satan. Our Lord Jesus Christ has subsequently called each of us to reach out and share that reality with the world in our daily living. We are called to challenge the world to "Fish, or cut bait!" and answer the questions, "What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?" How we, and the world, answer these questions will either put us on the road to heaven or on the road to Hell.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You ask the same questions of me that You asked of the Pharisees, and others, while You walked this earth. You call me, and all your people, as well as the people of the earth to "Fish, or cut bait!" when it comes to answering Your call. Through the power of the Word and Spirit, You have revealed Yourself to me as the true Son of the Father, the Son of David and the Son of God, Who is the Savior of the world, the true Messiah promised since the Fall into Sin in Eden. Lord, give me Your Spirit so that I may remain strong in my faith and trust in You. By Your Spirit's power lead me to be an effective witness to Your love as I touch the lives of others. Let my response to the questions You posed to the Pharisees, "What do you think of the Christ? Whose Son is He?" be answers borne of faith which proclaim You to be the Son of God and the world's salvation. Hear me, O Lord Jesus Christ for Your name's sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr.

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