Saturday, May 07, 2005

On Being "Mature Icebergs" Of Faith

"Today's Devotion" For May 7, 2005

Read: Ephesians 4:1-16; Romans 11:33-36


"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments and His paths beyond finding out!" (Rom. 11:33)

In the frigid waters surrounding Greenland float countless icebergs of every size, shape, and description. If you were to visit the area you would see some icebergs as small as a Volkswagen, others as tall as a skyscraper, and still others so huge that they look like floating mountain ranges. Yet, no matter the size, all of these icebergs are floating in the water. Finding a passage through the maze of icebergs can be quite dangerous because they're not all moving in the same direction. The smaller icebergs, floating higher in the water, are moved about by the vagaries of the winds that are blowing. The larger icebergs, with their greater girth and depth in the water are moved about by the deep currents of the ocean, which consistently flow in the same direction. The "maturity" of the larger icebergs reflects a steadiness of purpose and flow that the "younger" and smaller icebergs do not.

Our spiritual lives are very much a reflection of these icebergs. Our sinful human nature is subject to every whim and wind of change and thought that occur in the world. "The winds of change" that so frequently affect our culture and world seem to always be purported by those deemed to be the most knowledgeable to be for the better. Unfortunately, being "knowledgeable" doesn't always equal being wise. Bereft of wisdom, knowledge will often discount the realty of the spiritual on all aspects of life. It seems that society often seeks change for the sake of change without regard for the spiritual ramifications of change.. Social change, educational change, economic change, and political change, among others, often take place with no regard for the spiritual realities of life and that human beings are spiritual creatures created in the image and likeness of God. The "iceberg" nature of society becomes very apparent, as we observe the "winds of change" move the "smaller icebergs" of contemporary ideas in directions quite at odds with the "larger icebergs" of wisdom and experience deeply rooted in history, knowledge, and an understanding of the spiritual nature of humanity.

Rather than allowing ourselves to be blown around by every wind of change, much like immature icebergs, St. Paul encourages us to focus on continually growing into a mature relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It's God's purpose for us to be in His Word daily, growing in wisdom and knowledge, by the power of His Spirit, so that we might be kept firmly rooted on "the deep currents" of God's Will. He wants to keep us headed in the right direction, not blown around by the winds of human wisdom, and the cunning and craftiness of men (Eph.4:14). He wants us to be so solidly grounded in His Word and maturing in faith in Jesus, that when the world uses its standards for in determining our lifestyles, ordering our business and personal relationships, measuring our success, and establishing our behavior we aren't blown away and led astray from His direction for our lives as we move toward heaven. There's no doubt that a shallow relationship with Christ leads to confusion as to who we are and what He has made us to be. If Sin has its way, we end up like the "small, shallow icebergs" blown every which way by the winds, following the path of least resistance.

As God's people, we seek direction for living from our Lord Jesus Christ. Our direction in life needs to be determined by the depth of Christ's power and direction in our lives. Rather than being spiritually "small, shallow icebergs" blown around by every new idea or humanistic premise that ignores the spiritual reality of human existence, we seek to be fully grounded in God's Word and led by His Spirit. In our daily walk with Him, as we read and study His Word, approach Him in prayer, and observe His hand at work in our lives and the life of the whole world we will find ourselves growing more spiritually mature and becoming spiritually "mountainous icebergs" of faith guided only by God's Word and wisdom. Through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior from Sin, we daily seek God's forgiveness and direction for living, becoming “Mature Icebergs of Faith” that point steadily and inexorably to Jesus.

Prayer: Gracious Father, the world is a pretty dangerous place. Despite the wonder of Your Creation, the nature of Sin is such that it has corrupted our thinking and living. Spiritual ignorance and immaturity is the order of the day. I find myself subject to "going along to get along" with things that are clearly at odds with Your Word, Your Will, and the purpose of life and Creation. The only way I'm able to overcome the "winds of change" that would move me in every direction except toward You is to be firmly grounded in Your Word. Father, continue to send Your Holy Spirit into my heart and mind that I might continually seek to know Your Will and share it with others. Help me to continue to grow into a "Mature Iceberg of Faith" so that I might be a solid reflection of Your will and wisdom to others. Guide me to live a life that reflects Your love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ so that I might be both a faithful example and a faithful witness to others so they too might receive Your mercy and grace. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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