Friday, May 13, 2005

God's Loving Touch

"Today's Devotion" For May 14, 2005

Read: Mark 1:29-34; Luke 7:18-23


"This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: 'He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases.'" (Mt. 8:17)

In the grand scheme of the universe, we human beings don't really amount to much. The total value of the minerals and other substances that make up our bodies is probably a bit more than the ninety-eight cents it was when I was a boy, but as small as my bank account is I'm reasonably certain I could still manage to afford "me." We stand helpless in the face of thunder and lightening, earthquakes and famine, tsunamis and hurricanes, and all other types of natural disasters that strike our world. When we leave our atmosphere we're incapable of surviving without artificial assistance. All told, we're pretty helpless, and often hapless, creatures. Which raises a question: Why should God care about any of us at all?

You see, we're not only quite helpless in the face of natural disasters, controlling the weather, the seasons, time, or any other part of God's created order, but we're also a pretty awful group of creatures as well. We do all sorts of dastardly things to one another. People die on our city streets by the use of guns, drugs, and alcohol. Crime, careless driving, and robberies all serve to sow seeds of discontent and fear. The world is full of hunger, carnage, disease, despair, illness, war, and pestilence. All over the world people are living in fear that someone will blow them up, shoot them up, or throw them in jail with no regard for them or their families. In the name of religion, hostility and hatred thrive. The world isn't a very pretty or safe place, is it? It seems that we do a great deal of things to make this so. Why, in the midst of all this turmoil, should God care even one little bit about us?

From a human perspective, there is no logical answer. In the minds of many people throughout the world, God's care is nonexistent. Yet the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke not only share the truth that God loves this world, His Creation, but they also put a face on God's care and love for the world and all its people. They put a face on God's care and love for the world, as Matthew does when he tells us about "Immanuel...God with us" (Mt. 1:23), Jesus Christ. The Evangelists introduce us to God made flesh in the promised Messiah Who heals every disease and drives out demons. We're told about Jesus' healing of Peter's mother-in-law and her response to that healing as she served Jesus. We watch and listen as people bring others to Jesus to be healed both physically and spiritually. God made flesh, Jesus the Christ, doesn't hide His face from our sinful depravity and ugliness. He doesn't flee our world for someplace better, but reaches out His hand to meet and touch the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people. The caring and loving face of God becomes visible in Christ.

God daily extends His loving touch to us as we live in the power of Holy Baptism. In the Lord's Supper our Lord Jesus Christ physically touches us with His very Body and Blood. By the power of His Word, God touches us with His Holy Spirit and lifts us up to Himself so that we might know that His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness is very real and vital in our lives. Through these marvelous gifts of God's grace we are assured each day that our sins are forgiven and we are God's very own redeemed children. Our faith in Christ is strengthened each day so that we are not only able to live at peace in a troubled world, but share that peace with others as well. Each day God's puts his loving touch on us through Christ Jesus. His loving touch moves us to lives of service and love toward others in Jesus' name.

Prayer: Father, thank You for sending Jesus into our flesh and our world to make Your presence in my life real and true. In Jesus You bring the spiritual healing that is so essential to my life with You. Help me to respond to such love with service in Your name, as I not only praise You with my words and life, but share You with others so they might come to know Your salvation in Christ my Lord and Savior, in Whose precious name I pray and ask You to hear me. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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