Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Living In God's Peace Brings Peace

"Today's Devotion" For May 11, 2005

Read: I Thessalonians.4:1-12; Romans 12:9-21


"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Rom. 12:18)

I suppose that if each of us had a say in the matter, we'd prefer to live in a world that doesn't have conflicts; a world without wars; a world without violence; a world without disagreements. To say that the world seems to thrive on conflict is, perhaps, an understatement. While we talk of peace and prosperity, the reality of life is that somewhere, in someplace, people are fighting and dying, or they're starving and in want; sometimes both at the same time. We have wars between nations, civil wars, the war on terrorism, political and moral battles, arguments between neighbors, lawsuits that are clogging our courts, not to speak of the bickering and fighting that goes on within marriages and families. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Yet all the fighting, conflicts, battles, and economic hardships the world faces are of no consequence when compared to the conflict between God's Will and Sin in our lives. With the efforts of Sin and Satan to move us away from God's Will, the whole idea and understanding of "peace" takes on decidedly spiritual dimensions.

Many "religious" people over the centuries have understood this, even if they didn't know the true God. Buddhism, for instance, as a prime example of Eastern mysticism, teaches a way of peace with the universe and other human beings. A more recently founded religion, Bahai, teaches much the same thing. In Christianity during the Middle Ages, there was a movement toward establishing monasteries, convents, and religious orders in order to separate from the world and improve one's spiritual walk and find peace with God. Later on came the Quakers, the Shakers, and the Amish who, in their own way, followed the ways of monasticism. What connects these groups and ideas together is that they all, in some way, push for separation from the world in order to keep themselves unsullied by the world and live in a peaceful community. Their frequent hope was to establish a calm and peace in their lives which could bring them closer to their understanding of God. Perhaps because of their separation from the world, it's also noted that very few ever paid much attention to their ideas of peace.

God's Word, the Bible, also speaks of peace. Yet God speaks of peace as the result of our redemption from Sin and Satan. In the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has declared His peace with us, making us no longer His enemies but His friends. In that peace, received by faith in Christ and lived out in the fullness of God's forgiveness of our sins, we seek to bring peace to the world. We are urged by St. Paul to live quiet lives, at peace with our neighbors, fully reflective of God's peace with us in Jesus. Instead of advocating for separation from the world, Paul encourages to live in the world as ambassadors and disciples of Jesus Christ. To be the people of God and witnesses for Christ can only happen if we live and work with people, not apart from them. With all the disagreeable people who are running around (of course that doesn't apply to us, does it?), this seems to be a tall order.

Yet, because we are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, we are empowered to share that peace with others. In our Lord's commission of us to tell all the world of His love and redemption for everyone, we have the great honor to be instruments of His peace in a troubled world. Being at peace with Him translates into sharing lives of peace and quiet with our neighbors. In that way our lives are examples to others so that they might see Jesus in us. We rest assured and at peace in our hearts, that no matter the troubles we see in this world, no one and nothing can take God's peace in Christ from us.

Prayer: Father, the world around me is often so frantic I don't have the time to think before I react. Being at peace with You and others isn't always the highest consideration on my list of daily blessings. Often I'm so troubled and torn by thing in my life and the world around me that I don't even feel that I can take the time to count my blessings. Nevertheless, when You finally get through to my heart and mind by Your Word and Spirit, I find my life to be more at peace with You and others. When You remind me, by the power of Your Word and Spirit, of the peace You give me through faith in Jesus Christ, I find that my days and nights are calmer, I am more collected in my thoughts, and my actions and feelings toward others are more considerate and loving. Help me to focus on Your peace with me so that I can live at peace with others in this world. In Jesus' most precious and holy name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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