Wednesday, May 04, 2005

MVP - "Most Valuable Possession

"Today's Devotion" For May 4, 2005

Read: Matthew 13:44-46; Philippians 3:4b-16


"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ." (Phil. 3:7)

Having been involved in sports for most of my life as a player, coach, spectator, and father of athletes, the concept of MVP isn't strange to me. "Most Valuable Player" is an accolade highly sought after in sports. At the professional level of sports, being voted the MVP by the league can mean more money at contract time. At the college and university level it can mean a higher pro draft position in the athlete's particular sport. At the high school level it can mean being a "BMOC or BGOC (big man or girl on campus)," and may also be helpful, especially if the award is by a conference or at a state level, in landing an athletic scholarship to a Division I or II university. Without a doubt, being an MVP can mean personal prestige, notoriety, and financial gain.

There's another application of the term "MVP" that I'd like to propose today. In the context of the Scripture readings for today, it's not "Most Valuable Player," but "Most Valuable Possession." The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price are statements about the kingdom of heaven among us. Jesus challenges us to weigh the value of the Gospel over against every other personal gain or possession. He calls us to consider what has more value in our lives, the Gospel or the things the world brings to us. The persons in the parables considered the treasure and the pearl to be of greater value than anything else in their lives. Both the treasure and the pearl gain "Most Valuable Possession" status because they represent the kingdom of heaven in our lives.

St. Paul truly understood that "Most Valuable Possession" status in his own life. He had been a persecutor of Christians, of the Church of Christ. He had fought against the Gospel. As he writes to the Philippians, he had gained great honor and prestige from these actions. He had gained great regard as a "Pharisee of the Pharisees" as a student of the great rabbi, Gamaliel. Yet he declares that all of this had no value for him when he came to know Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. His "MVP (Most Valuable Pharisee)" status he counted as loss for the sake of the Gospel, which became his "Most Valuable Possession." And it's this same call of Christ Jesus in the Gospel that we hear today well. In the same way as Paul, the Gospel and challenges us to consider what is our "Hidden Treasure" and "Pearl of Great Price." What is it that is our "Most Valuable Possession?" By the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, our "Most Valuable Possession" is the truth of our salvation in the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. That Gospel has become our "Most Valuable Possession" in Holy Baptism. God has made us His own. He has placed His mark on us. Ultimately, and most importantly of all, God has made us His "MVP's" (most valuable possessions). We are His.

Prayer: Father, I'm so grateful that You have redeemed me from sin, death and Satan, and brought me into Your Kingdom through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Forgive me for so often forgetting how valuable that gift of salvation is, especially when I'm tempted by the allure of wealth, power, and prestige in the world around me. They are alluring and a source of great temptation for me. As You have made me to be Your very own, "Most Valuable Possession" through the washing of Holy Baptism, lead me to realize that my "Most Valuable Possession" is the Good News of my salvation and the forgiveness of sins that is mine through faith in Jesus. Help me to keep this in perspective and share it diligently with others. In the most holy and precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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