Saturday, May 28, 2005

Not Ashamed Of Jesus

"Today's Devotion" for May 28, 2005

Read: Matthew 11:1-15; Psalm 139


"Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of Me." (Mt.11:6)

American culture is becoming increasingly pluralistic concerning religion. As a result there's pressure put on Christians to accept other religions as being as viable as Christianity. Even Christian theologians and scholars, including some heads of denominations, are suggesting that there are many ways to heaven; faith in Jesus Christ alone is no longer a viable position. For many Christians, witnessing to God's love in Jesus Christ as the only way of forgiveness and salvation has become unseemly. Sadly, being a witness for Christ has become a risky proposition in a nation whose Constitution and laws, its very foundation, are based on Biblical principles and values believed and practiced by Christians. The current political and moral upheaval of the nation, the great disagreements between political parties, the fight over the appointment of judges, the debate over social engineering by the courts, and the continuing erosion of American institutions of the family, education, and the churches are a reflection of a deep erosion of the spiritual foundation of the nation. The argument is proffered, especially among the nation's lawmakers, that politics and religion need to be kept separate.

It's the highest level of hypocrisy to declare that one's religious beliefs should not color one's political judgment. Such a position is a contradiction in terms if you have any meaningful religious beliefs, no matter whether you're a Christian, Jew, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, or the practitioner of any other religion. The very essence of a religious belief or faith is that it provides people with a center from which they live their lives. From a purely philosophical perspective, holding a religious belief or faith necessarily colors how one sees the world and morality - what's right and wrong. Those who claim adherence to a religious belief or faith, but claim that those religious tenets have no place in the arenas of politics and lawmaking are either misguided fools or the world's biggest hypocrites. Jesus' words, "Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me," brings this issue into the limelight of the life and faith of Christians in all walks of life.

John the Baptist was in dire straits. He was in prison and about to be executed. He wanted to be certain his followers would know who to follow upon his demise. Even though Jesus was his cousin, John was, himself, not certain that the Messiah wasn't going to also overthrow the Romans and reestablish David's throne on earth. What he heard about Jesus and what His ministry was about, didn't fit with John's picture of Him. He needed reassurance and confirmation of Jesus' mission and ministry. Moreover, it also seems that John needed reassurance that his declaration of God's Will to Herod was right and his resulting imprisonment was a result of his faithfulness. Those same doubts and fears, the same need for reassurance for fully practicing our faith in Christ in all aspects of personal and community living, face us today as well.

Jesus comes to us with a message that lifts us from earth to heaven. He focuses not on what we can do but what He has done for us. He leaves no doubt, in John the Baptist's case, about how much He loves us. He declares the faithfulness of John in preparing the way, and leaves no doubt about His love for him. In the same way, Jesus leaves no doubt about His love for us and all the people of this world in the ministry He performed, the crucifixion He endured, and the victory of His resurrection. Jesus message to us is the same as it was to John. He calls us to cast aside our doubts about Who He is and boldly live our lives by faith in His love. He calls us to full integration our faith and life, not for their compartmentalization. His own ministry, and His acknowledgment of John's ministry, encourages us to be truly "Christian" in all we do, not pluralistic hypocrites and fools who deny Him for the sake of so-called peace and harmony with the world. We answer His call because we know that He is our Savior from Sin and the Lord of the Universe. We boldly live for Him because He has redeemed us from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to overcome the doubts about You that plague me as a sinner. All around me I hear the claims of religious truth from a myriad of sources. None of them know You, but claim to be a way to heaven. Some of them look inviting. In the culture that surrounds me, religious truth based on Your Word is held up to disdain and lumped in with "religious truths" from all over. Among our leaders are those who claim to be Your children but who deny any involvement of Your Will and Word in the political and lawmaking decisions they make everyday. There seems to be a great deal of "shame" associated with standing up for Your truth and love in this culture. Help me to overcome the doubts that come my way concerning You and living in and for You. Send Your Word and Spirit into my heart each day to keep me strong in faith and diligent in sharing You with the lost. Give me confidence for living in Your words, "Blessed is the man who does not fall away because of Me." Hear my prayer, Gracious Lord, for Your name's sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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