Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Challenged To Be "Living Waters" Of God's Love

"Today's Devotion" For May 25, 2005

Read: John 7:37-39; Psalm 40


"Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within them." (Jn. 7:38)

Have you ever thought about the challenges that come to us as a result of our relationship with God as His redeemed children? The challenges that face us as God's children by faith in Christ Jesus are unique to us because, having been redeemed from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan by Christ, we have been restored to a loving and living relationship with our Father in heaven. That relationship challenges us to remain faithful to Him in the face of the temptations of sin in the world around us. In order to live in a relationship with God, we're challenged to put God first in everything, even before ourselves. Our relationship with God further challenges us to be a reflection of that relationship to others. How we live, speak, work, and interact with the world around us becomes the means to show the world God's love. As God's redeemed children, the challenge to get the Good News of the forgiveness of sins and the hope and promise of eternal life in and through Christ faces us each day as we live in a world that's hostile to God and those who follow Him.

It's realistic, therefore, for God's children to feel overwhelmed, over-challenged, and reluctant to live a life that witnesses for Christ. Jesus knew the challenges Himself. He understands how difficult it can be for us to be bold in our lives and witnessing for Him. He knows we need to be fed and nourished in the Word so that we're equipped and blessed to carry out the mission. He understands the spiritual challenges to our lives and knows the spiritual hunger and thirst that we feel as we face the challenges of living for Him in the world. That's why our Lord Jesus encourages us to come to Him and receive spiritual drink to quench our spiritual thirst and strengthen us for our lives of service to others in His name. By the power of the Holy Spirit, our hearts are opened so that the "living water" of the Word and the Sacraments can strengthen our faith and life in Jesus.

Through the Means of Grace, the Word and the Sacraments (Baptism, Lord's Supper) the big river of God's love flows into our hearts. As a result of God's work in us, from out of our hearts, encouraged by the Gospel, come multiple streams of "living water" flowing in all directions to reach out to others with God's love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. God uses us as channels, pipelines, and rivers for His love to reach others. Therefore it's important that we don't ever make the mistake of turning our backs on the world and spending all our time facing God. Certainly, as it has for many people over the centuries, it may be thrilling, spiritually, to focus all one's attention on God and ignore the world. Yet, as history has shown, to do so is to deny Him and His love for us, for that love must be shared, not kept to ourselves. Without sharing His love with others, what was so "sweet tasting" at first, becomes bitter because the sweetness of the Gospel isn't meant to be kept to ourselves.

It's vital for our relationship with God that we face Him and the challenges of the world every day. It gives us spiritual balance. Beginning our day with God and His Word gets us ready to face the day's challenges and opportunities for service. Through the Word, the Holy Spirit feeds our spiritual hunger and quenches our spiritual thirst. He prepares us each day to share the Gospel with others as the opportunities arise. Having this nourishment and refreshment to begin our day sends us out well-nourished and well-equipped to carry out our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ. By the Spirit's power we become streams of "living water" flowing out to touch the lives of others so they, too, might know God's love and forgiveness in Christ. Such work calls for us to deny ourselves and refrain, with the Spirit's help, from making ourselves the centers of the universe. By the Spirit's power, the floodgates of faith will open in us and from them will flow living rivers of love, prayer, and service to others in Jesus' name. What an exciting gift from God to see the Spirit's work through us for the benefit of others! God has called us to be something remarkable - tingling pipelines and living streams of His love and Spirit.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, it's very easy for me to get sidetracked from what's important in life. Spiritual challenges aren't at the top of my "hit parade" of things to do or face each day. Focusing my life on service and concern for the needs of others isn't the direction in which I'm naturally led. My sinful, human nature is usually more concerned about what I can gain, I can accomplish, and I can have than serving You and loving others in Your name. Each day my soul hungers and thirsts for Your love and forgiveness, without which my life would be a spiritual wasteland, devoid of the life-giving waters of Your Word. Help me to be always ready to let the living water of Your Word flow out of me to others so that they, too, might experience the marvelous wonders of Your grace. Hear me, O Lord Jesus Christ, for Your name's sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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