Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Held In God's "Big Arms"

"Today's Devotion" For May 17, 2005

Read: John 14:1-14; Psalm 31


"But I trust in You, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in Your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me." (Ps. 31:14-15)

When my children were small, one of the things I used to do with them was toss them up in the air and catch them on the way down. Out of seven children, I seem to remember that only one showed any fear. I do remember them laughing and giggling at the experience; fear wasn't a part of the experience. What was important to them was that their dad wasn't going to let them fall, but there were some close calls. Perhaps I set a bad example for my children; just a month or so ago, my youngest daughter, barely five feet two inches, was doing the same thing with her second cousin, who's two years old, and is way too big for her to toss around. As I read today's Scripture readings I was reminded of a story that I'd read some time ago.

It seems that four-year old Sara liked to play a game where she would jump into her daddy's arms. He daddy would let her place him in a position where she was comfortable that he was neither too close, nor too far, from her position. Then she would crouch on a chair or a bed and spring toward him, expecting that his big arms would catch her. It never dawned on her that he wouldn't be strong enough to do so, nor did she ever dream for a moment that he would back away and let her fall. After all he was "Daddy" and could do anything; most of all he could be trusted to catch her. At the advanced age of four she was confident in her daddy's ability to take care of her. Once, while in the middle of this game her daddy asked her if she would like to play the game with her big sister. Sara's emphatic response was a resounding "No!" "Why not?" her father asked, trying to coax her into expanding her horizons. "Because," she responded, "I only jump into big arms."

David had been anointed king of Israel. This put him at odds with King Saul who sought his life. In Psalm 31, David brings his distress at these circumstances before God, trusting that in God's good time and wisdom He will deliver, protect, and lift David up to do that which was God's Will and purpose for his life. Because of his distress and tenuous circumstances, David was experiencing friends distancing themselves from him. At the same time, David fully trusted and expected that God would save him and be with him in every circumstance and situation. David was certain that God's big arms would hold him in every situation of life and lift him up to do His Will. He was equally certain that there was no one else who could provide such safety and protection.

In the same way as He did for David, God also holds us up and carries us in His big arms. It's important that we remember this each day so that we can live confident lives of faith, as true witnesses of God's love for the world in Jesus Christ. Living in that confidence and trust is a challenge for us, just as it was for the twelve Apostles. All the way to the Cross, the Twelve just couldn't seem to that Jesus had to suffer and die for the Sin of the world. Even after instructing and reminding them once again of His purpose and mission in John 13 by washing their feet and predicting Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial on Maundy Thursday, the Twelve still don't understand. Their fear, doubt, and uncertainty concerning Jesus are in full bloom. And so Jesus comforts them with His Word, exhorting them, "Don't let hour hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me" (Jn.14:1).

Jesus' invitation in these words to His disciples, and David's confession of his faith and trust in God's deliverance, encourage us to trust God's big arms to hold us up and save us from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan. Our Father's arms are big enough to hold up the whole world and redeem the universe as well. Yet, the most important thing our heavenly Father does for us is to remind us that He holds each one of us up and keep us safe in Christ each and every day of our lives. He has called us by name in Holy Baptism, putting His mark upon us and declaring us to be His very own, redeemed children in Christ Jesus. We are firmly entrenched in the safety of His big arms. We can live today and every day fearing nothing and boldly living as witnesses to His power and His love. We put ourselves in God's hands; no one and nothing else can save us as He has.

Prayer: Father, You lift me in Your loving arms and keep me from everything that would harm my relationship with You. Help me to trust You, totally, for everything. Forgive me when I doubt and strengthen my faith in Jesus. Lead me to live each day in the confident assurance that nothing can keep me from Your love and that I have nothing to fear in this world. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, help me to be an effective and winning witness of Your grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness in Jesus Christ as I fearlessly and boldly live for You and share Your Gospel with all that I meet today and every day. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eoqvvvgWell held!! Alleluiah!!
God has bound my broken heart and holds my life. My heart belongs to Jesus and no other. God bless you in your ministry