Friday, April 08, 2005

We Are, In The End, Finally Accountable

"Today's Devotion" For April 8, 2005

Read: Matthew 25:1-13; II Corinthians 5:1-10


"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him, for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." (II Cor. 5:10)

Today is the funeral for Pope John Paul II in Rome. It's a day of sadness, to be sure, especially for a billion people around the world who claim the Roman Catholic Church as their denomination. It's a day, also, for rejoicing if the pure message of the Gospel of salvation through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ comes through loudly and clearly to everyone attending, watching, or hearing the funeral mass. In the end, after all the pomp and circumstance, the trappings of office, the world-wide tours, the accolades and a place in the world's history, the person whose body is being laid to rest this day is, after all is said and done, a man from Poland by the name of Karol Wojtyla. He was a man for whom Jesus suffered, died, and rose again, just as He did for the whole world.

The beautiful, young woman was wheeled into the emergency room of the local hospital. She had been in a traffic accident with her husband. Both of them were in critical condition and emergency room personnel were working feverishly to save their lives. But, within a few minutes of arriving at the hospital, both died. They had just celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary and left three young children without parents. By all human standards this was tragedy. Yet, the greater tragedy occurred after they died. Arriving at the "Pearly Gates" before St. Peter, they both sought admission into heaven. Peter welcomed the young wife and mother, but turned her husband away. The young man protested but Peter would not budge. After escorting the young woman through the "Pearly Gates" Peter came back to the husband. The husband begged Peter to let him into heaven, and when Peter wouldn't, he asked him why not. Listen to what Peter told him.

"In the ten years you were married to your wife, you set foot in a church only on Christmas, Easter, and when your children were baptized. You forbade her to give her heartfelt offerings to her Lord. You were greedy, possessive, and abusive. You treated her and your children shabbily. You didn't treat others any better. Yet, in spite of all this, your wife never once missed worshiping on Sunday morning, bringing the children with her. She freely gave her time to help the sick and shut-ins, and spent time helping in your children's classrooms. She went to Bible Study regularly and was always at the Lord's Table. On a daily basis, she prayed for you and your well being and that God would bless you. She fully trusted in Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection as the full payment before God for her sins, for your sins, and the sins of your children. During all this time you were relying on her goodness to rub off on you and pave the way until you decided it was time to get back in touch with God. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. Heaven is not your final destination."

It doesn't matter if you’re a man named Karol Wojtyla, who was known to the world as Pope John Paul II, a loving wife and mother, such as described above, a faithful husband and father, or someone like the husband described above. No one will enter into eternal life in Christ based upon their merits or those of others. Sadly, it's too often true that people depend on the goodness of others to compensate for their lack of spiritual life and relationship with God. Yet Jesus wants all of us to be like the "five wise virgins" and keep our "oil" stocked, ready for His return. No one can stand before the Judgment Seat of God for us. We will either stand alone because we have pushed God aside and rejected His love, or we will stand side by side with Jesus, Whose blood and righteousness has atoned for our sins before God. We are, after all, held accountable in the end for our lives. A life lived in Christ is a life that lives forever.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, as You have died to take away my sins, so also live in me and with me that I may live in and for You. Help me to live a life that shares Your love with others; a life that reflects the righteousness You have purchased for me with Your life's blood. Since I will be held accountable in the end for my life and work, lead me to live that life in You and work for You in service to others. Hear me, dearest Lord Jesus. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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