Thursday, April 14, 2005

Facing The "Inevitabilities" Of Life

"Today's Devotion" For April 14, 2005

Read: Matthew 6:25-33
Psalm 91


"For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies." (Ps. 57:10)

At this time of year, the old axiom "there's nothing certain except death and taxes" comes home to roost among us once again. Tomorrow is "Tax Day" in the United States. By midnight tomorrow evening every wage earner in this country is supposed to have either filed their income tax forms for 2004 or filed an extension to file and/or pay later. It's an "inevitability" that's come to be expected each year at this time. Earlier this week, good friend, colleague, and fellow pastor's father, also a pastor, succumbed to the ravages of Alzheimer's and in death was called home to heaven, into the loving arms of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He went the "inevitable" way of all flesh, just as you and I will also, one day, go. In a certain sense, therefore, from a human perspective, that old axiom concerning "death and taxes" is very, very real. Yet, as certain and "inevitable" as "death and taxes" might seem to us, we human beings have a need for something much more certain and uplifting that the "inevitability" of death and taxes.

As a whole, we human beings don't like uncertainty. No matter how adventurous a person might be, there are certain constants that are needed for people to be "grounded." High impact sports people, X-Games competitors, and a host of other "risk takers" follow constant patterns of preparation for participating and competing in their events--proper training, scheduled dietary practices, proper equipment, safety checks, etc. Such persons, just like the rest of us, still want a place to "hang their hats," a place they can call home for security, safety, and assurance. It's doubtful that any sane person would deny that they're going to die some day. And, unless someone's totally impoverished and has no job, it's doubtful they believe that can last too long without paying taxes. For most people who earn a living, or own a home, or drive a car, or buy groceries, or go to a restaurant, or buy clothing, or,.......well, you know.......they're pretty certain that they're going to pay taxes( I guess even the most impoverished do pay some taxes if they buy even one item-so that blows that idea).

As inevitable as "death and taxes" might seem to be, if we were to seek certainty for our lives in such events our lives would be deeply empty and terribly impoverished. To have real certainty in our lives is to know God's love for us in Jesus Christ. God's grace, mercy, and love is certain to us everyday. He is always faithful to us and His promises to us, regardless of our unfaithfulness and disobedience to Him. In Jesus Christ, we have the certainty, by faith, that our sins are forgiven and that we have the hope and promise of eternal life. Jesus' own words in Matthew for today are a reminder and a promise that our Father in heaven knows our every need and gives us each day's necessities inevitably and certainly. Our Creator is deeply involved in His creation. God isn't floating out in the "ether" someplace, looking down on us, and just letting things happen. He is deeply involved in our lives, guarding and keeping His children, sending His angels "to keep us in all our ways," and sending His Spirit to strengthen our faith and assure us of His love. Even more grand and wonderful, if that's possible, is that God even give "daily bread" and blessings to those who don't love Him or know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In truth, our Father in heaven is "inevitably faithful" and His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness are our precious gifts each and every day.

What follows next is redundant. Yet, such redundancy is important for emphasis, for we forget so soon. When the "inevitabilities" of life approach, and all the uncertainties that they bring to bear stare us in the face, whether we have doubts about people loving or caring about us, worries about health, taxes, dying, our families, spouses, children, and friends, or anything and everything else for that matter, we can be certain about one thing--every moment of every day--God's love for this world and for us who believe is real and will never end. He has forgiven us of all our sins in Jesus. He has promised to supply our every need. He has promised to take us to be with Him in heaven. Compared to the certainty of God's love and His promises, "death and taxes" just don't hold any water.

Prayer: Father, I live with a great deal of uncertainty each and every day. I really don't want to admit to it, and I really do my best to ignore it. Yet, inevitably, as I read and listen to the media, experience life, and have contact with people each day, the uncertainties, to one degree or another, crop up. Yet, in Your Word You very clearly tell me to "be anxious for nothing." You very clearly tell me that Your blessings are new and plentiful every morning. You very clearly tell me that You love me and nothing can pluck me out of Your hand. Thank You, O God, for such promises and assurances, for it's in them that I hope and it's in them that I live life to the full. In Christ, my Lord and Savior's name, I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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