Saturday, April 09, 2005

No Matter What, God Doesn't Forget His People

"Today's Devotion" For April 9, 2005

Read: Genesis 6:1-8:1; Psalm 111


"But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him on the ark, and He sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."(Gen. 8:1)

The story of the Flood is often ignored by Christians and non-Christians alike. For many it's just a myth or fairy tale. If you don't believe in the inerrancy and truth of the Scriptures, I suppose it's just as easy to discount the Flood as it is to discount Creation and settle for evolution. On the other hand, for God's people the account of the Flood is intended to be a source of great joy and comfort. It points us to the magnificent mercy and grace of God and that even in the worst possible of circumstances, He doesn't forget His people.

Noah's time, as described in Genesis, was a terribly evil time in the world's history. The evil that permeated the earth was so intense and intolerable that God felt compelled to destroy every living thing except Noah, his family, the fish, the birds, wild animals, and livestock He placed on the ark. After forty days and nights of water gushing out of every possible location it could come from, both from above and from below, the earth was flooded over even its highest mountain peak. That depth of flood water remained in place for almost an entire year. Only then did the waters recede and dry land appear once again. Personally, I can't begin to imagine the emotions of Noah and his family cooped up with all those animals in the ark for that length of time. Having been on a lone ship at sea, with nothing but water as far as the eye can see, I can tell you that it's an inhospitable and uninhabitable environment. Add the animals along with no apparent hope for land in sight and Noah and his family faced a most difficult situation. Truly the result of Man's sin was never more evident to any group of human beings. Although Scripture doesn't specifically state it, we can imagine that after awhile Noah and his family felt a bit alone and forgotten. And who could blame them!

And then Scripture tells us that God "remembered them," and, not only them, but also the other creatures of His creation. He causes a wind to come up and begin to dry the earth. The waters receded and Noah, his family, and all the creatures in the ark eventually were able to get back on dry land. God remembered them. God remembers us. There's nothing so terrible that can happen that will cause God to forget us. So much has He remembered and loved this world that He promised never to destroy it again by means of such a flood. So much has He remembered and loved this world that He promised salvation and has brought it into reality in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Our sins are forgiven and the "flood" of sin and unbelief all around us is overcome by the power of the Gospel. We are His. We can be certain, beyond a shadow of any doubt that, no matter what, God doesn't forget His people.

Prayer: Father, there are so many things that can go wrong in my life that, at times, I'm so overwhelmed by them that I feel abandoned and forgotten. Forgive me for such feelings for they often reflect the weakness of my faith and trust in You. Remind me by Your Word and Spirit that You will never forget me, as You didn't forget Noah and all creatures on the ark. Strengthen me in my faith, that trusting that I am always in Your sight I may be a bold and faithful witness to Your love in Christ Jesus to a lost and dying world. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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