Thursday, April 28, 2005

Loving At All Costs

"Today's Devotion" For April 29, 2005

Read: Mark 12:28-34; Luke 18:18-29


"When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth." (Lk.18:23)

As we listen to newscasts and read newspapers a trend in the stories emerges. While there are occasional accounts of goodness, it can be argued that there are more accounts of the evil people do to one another than anything else. An article in today's local paper noted that the insurgents in Iraq can only achieve control through fear because no one buys their ideas. Whatever the cause or reason, physical violence is just one part of the evil that visits itself upon the human race. In addition to the physical violence done to people we also hear about people being stripped of their life's savings by unscrupulous company financial tactics, of people facing discrimination due to people's economic, religious, racial, or lifestyle differences. The picture that's painted for us when we see these things happening to ourselves and others is that human life isn't worth very much and one's dignity is of no concern. When we add in all the other problems that affect society because of drugs, alcohol, sex, abortion, gambling, and other addictions, it's hard not to feel that there is no hope and human life is worthless.

It's hard to love those who perpetrate evil upon others. It's also hard to love those who do things that hurt themselves and others. Certainly it goes without saying that none of us would condone certain lifestyles or actions that are unquestionably contrary to God's Will. At the same time however, as Christians, we also don't condone hating, mistreating, abusing, defaming, or otherwise harming those who are involved in such things. It comes down to recognizing and accepting the truth that Christ died for EVERYONE, regardless of who or what they are. That's how great the Father's love is, and, as our two readings for today point out, His love leads us to love as He does. It's certain that hatred never changes one's heart for the better because hatred always leads to further animosity and disdain for others. On the other hand, the Gospel of God's love in Christ does change hearts and lives for the better, for it brings them into a loving, forgiven relationship with the Father. We may not condone certain lifestyles and behaviors, but we still need to share God's love with those who are in such situations so they too can repent and believe the Gospel.

The expert in the law, according to Mark, seemed to understand, at least on the surface, what it truly means to love God. Yet, Jesus makes it clear that this man was close to losing his salvation because he didn't understand that mercy toward the neighbor is the desired outcome of loving God above everything. To love God above all things means loving our neighbor as ourselves as well. The rich young ruler placed his salvation in jeopardy because his love excluded loving God above all things. Both needed to understand that loving God and one's neighbor go hand in hand. It's a reminder we need, too. It costs to love. It cost God the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the Cross of Calvary. Through that act of selfless love, grace, and mercy, our compassionate God has forgiven all our sins and we are set free from the bondage of Sin to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. The cost of love is putting God and others ahead of ourselves and, thus, being concerned and loving even to those who aren't "lovable."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have loved me so much that, even when I wasn't "lovable," lost in sin and unbelief, You sent Your Only Son, Jesus Christ, to free me from Sin and make me Your child. Help me to appreciate that that salvation is for all people, no matter how "unlovable" they may be. Remind me that only You can make someone "lovable" in Christ, and that, as You have loved me, You also give me the faith to love You above all things and love my neighbor as myself. Lead me to exercise that love in such a way, that I might reach the "unlovable" with Christ's love and lead them to You and their salvation in Christ; in Whose name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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