Monday, April 18, 2005

Don't Let Sin Fester

"Today's Devotion" For April 19, 2005

Read: Matthew 18:15-20; Psalm 86


"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over." (Mt. 18:15)

Has it ever happened to you that someone said something about you behind your back that cast aspersions on your character? Have you ever had someone do something that hurt you but you don't want to confront them with your pain? No doubt there aren't too people who haven't experienced something like this in their lives. What becomes problematic, however, isn't so much that someone has sinned against another, but that the person wronged ends up holding a grudge. Throughout the history of the world this has been true for individuals and nations. When nations hold grudges there are consequences that reverberate throughout the world. When people hold grudges the consequences often touch the lives of those to whom they are the closest. Not dealing with perceived or real wrong done to us or to others can lead to a festering sore which leads to spiritual destruction.

Christians are not immune from such "festering sores" due to unforgiven and unrepentant sin. Often the worst places for gossip that casts aspersions on other people are Christian congregations. We have received God's grace, mercy, and love in Christ--freely given without any merit or worthiness on our part--and yet we let our tongues get away from us and use them to hurt others. In the very place where the Good News of salvation from Sin, death, and Satan is proclaimed, among the very people that have been blessed by God's Word and Spirit and brought into a forgiven relationship with Him in Jesus Christ, it seems that Sin and Satan work overtime to put barriers between the God's people so that they find themselves at odds with one another. It's one thing to disagree with a position, a statement, or a point of view taken by another; it's an entirely other thing to seek to harm that person emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or personally because there's a disagreement.

Jesus was very aware of that challenge facing His disciples. He was very aware that those who believe in Him as their Lord and Savior would have a great deal of difficulty dealing with the issues of repentance and forgiveness among each other. His counsel is that we seek to confront our sins and those of our brothers and sisters in Him so that repentance can be sought, forgiveness can be offered, and love can grow among God's redeemed children. Rather than allowing the wounds that Sin causes between brothers and sisters in Christ to fester and become points of contention, our Lord calls us to lovingly and graciously reach out to one another and seek to heal the rifts and wounds that Sin causes among us. He calls us to live in His forgiveness and share that forgiveness with one another so that we might not only be restored to our Father in Heaven, but also restored to each other.

If we let sin fester among us it can only cause us pain and suffering. Just as any wound that festers and doesn't heal puts our lives and well-being in danger, so also do the open, spiritual wounds that Sin causes among us. Redeemed by Christ we have the power of God's Word and Spirit which bring His forgiveness into our lives and give us the strength of faith and love to share that forgiveness with others… willingly...gladly...prayerfully...joyfully. Such forgiving and loving in Jesus' name can only serve to strengthen our bonds to one another in the Body of Christ.

Prayer: Father, as You have forgiven me all my sins for the sake of Jesus, help me to also forgive my brothers and sisters who sin against me. As I have received Your forgiveness, grace, mercy, and love, so also give me the strength of faith and a compassionate heart to reach out to those who have sinned against me and lead them to repentance and forgiveness. Keep me from the tendency to let the sins others have committed against me fester and grow until I, too, am guilty of sinning against them. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, gracious Father, lead me to acknowledge my own sins before You and any of my brothers and sisters in Christ that I may sin against. Lead me to live a life of daily contrition and repentance so that I may fully live in Your forgiveness and share that same forgiveness with others. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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