Monday, April 04, 2005

Separating The Wicked From The Righteous

"Today's Devotion" For April 4, 2005

Read: Matthew 13:47-50; Malachi 2:17-3:18


"The angels will come to separate the wicked from the righteous."(Mt.13:49b)

Perhaps you've heard the statistic that one in three persons on earth is a Christian. With the death of Pope John Paul II this past week, we've been hearing how he was the spiritual leader for about one billion Roman Catholics around the world. If that's the case, then that's almost a third of the world's population all by itself. On top of that are many other Christian denominations/churches that are also a part of that overall statistic of those who claim to be Christian. Yet, we can also note that such statistics don't really tell the full story. While there are many people who may claim to be Christian, that claim may only apply to a religious connection, not faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior from Sin. With only about thirty percent of those claiming to be Christians in the United States actually worshiping on any given Sunday, one has to wonder if in fact the figures given for how many people are Christians is anywhere near accurate.

What it means to be a Christian isn't always understood as Scripture declares a Christian to be. For many people being Christian is no different than whether they're a Republican or Democrat--they were born into the church and are what their parents were. Being a Christian isn't understood in terms of discipleship--following Jesus--but as an inheritance from one's parents. Many people who call themselves Christian have their own conception of God and what Christianity is, which is derived from their own reason, understanding, and input from the world. Some might claim to be Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, or any other denominational title, but that doesn't mean they believe in Christ or practice as Christians in the manner of those denominations.

What we have going on in our nation and in the world when it comes to being Christians is that there are a huge variety of theological disagreements as to what being a Christian means. As we noted a week ago, we're faced with a two-tiered universe of the material (which is evil) and the spirit (which is good) which has been handed down from the Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. For some this means that they can sin all they want and God will forgive them. Others tend to believe that gathering for worship, around the Word and the Sacraments, is unnecessary for the Christian life. Worshiping God in nature is preferable to worshiping Him in a church. Pro-Choice, i.e. Pro-Abortion, is touted as an option for Christians. So also are we told that "alternative lifestyles," related to "sexual preferences," ought to be acceptable options for those who claim to be Christians. It seems that rationalism and its situational ethics and laissez-faire theology are the order of the day.

Both the Parable of the Net and God's Word to the prophet Malachi remind us that within the group of people called "God's People" there are those who are genuine believers and those who are not. For believers it becomes quite difficult to remain faithful to God's Word because of the constant challenges to "re-configure" God's Word so it means other than what it says. Those who truly believe are both challenged to go along and repulsed by such practices and beliefs. As disciples of Jesus Christ, in order to remain faithful and tied to Jesus and the Cross, it's important that we are regularly in the Word, participating in worship, and receiving the Lord's Supper. Each day we have the power of our Baptisms, through which we have been crucified with Christ to Sin, and raised to our Father in heaven. Each day the power of our Baptisms assures us that we have God's power, grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness through which we can live faithful lives as true witness of Christ's love and the salvation that He offers to the whole world. Despite the challenges to our faith that we face every day, often by those who claim to be brothers and sisters in Christ, we are able to face the world fully assured that we are God's dearly beloved children in Jesus. Patiently we await God's time when He will separate the "sheep from the goats," and gather His people together with Him in heaven.

Prayer: Father, as I live as Your child through Jesus Christ on the earth, I give thanks for Your continuing hand in its creation and Your continuing blessings upon all of Your people. I'm always amazed at Your assurance that Your blessings fall both upon the "just and the unjust." What a gracious and merciful God You are! Father, so great is Your grace, mercy, and love for Your Creation, especially those whom You have created in Your "image and likeness, that You cast a wide net over the whole world to reach as many as can be reached with Your promised forgiveness in Christ. As one who has received Your forgiveness and hope in Jesus help me to remain faithful to You in Word and deed. Help me to follow Jesus faithfully as a disciple "fishing for men," and help me to overcome the many temptations others would throw at me to lead me into sin and unbelief. Protect Your Church, Gracious Father, for Your name's sake. In the precious name of Christ Jesus, my Savior and Lord I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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