Thursday, April 21, 2005

Having Conversations About Faith In Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For April 21, 2005

Read: Luke 7:1-10; Hebrews 11:1-12:7


"'I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.'" (Lk.7:10)

I don't want to belabor the fact that the Roman Catholic Church has a new pope, Pope Benedict XVI. It's in all the newspapers and the media is still "analyzing" the election and ascension of the former Cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger to that position. One of the continuing refrains I've heard, amidst all the accolades and criticisms concerning his election, is that he is considered a man of great faith in Christ. A youth minister from a nearby community was interviewed because he had been a theology student of Cardinal Ratzinger years ago in Germany and he commented on the Pope's ability to explain complexities of faith simply in addition to having a great faith. It seems to me that what's important about these reports isn't the information pertaining to the new pope, but the conversations about the Christian faith that are occurring around the world because of his election. It seems that people are both curious and envious when it comes to questions of faith and what they perceive to be "great faith" in others. A Lutheran pastor, Pastor Donald Ehlers speaks to this as he recounts the following: "Some years ago a woman come to me about a personal problem. During our conversation she said to me, 'You must have a great faith!' 'Why do you say that?' I asked. 'Because you are a pastor' she answered. I was embarrassed. If she only knew how often I have envied the faith of others! In every congregation I have served there have been certain members with a great faith. They have endured so much, yet they cling to the Lord. I admire their faith!"

Jesus often carried on conversations about faith. For Him, it was important to point to the faith of others as examples for those yearning for a relationship with God. Throughout the Gospels there are accounts of the incredible faith of different people, from the Canaanite woman seeking Jesus' help in healing her daughter, to the woman suffering from an "issue of blood," to the Centurion in today's account from Luke who wished to have his servant healed. Jesus admired and rewarded great faith. He not only notes the faith of those who call upon Him for help to others, but He also responds to their faithfulness by hearing and answering their prayers. As in many cases of great faith described in the Gospels, Luke points out that the Centurion was a Gentile and, thus, not one of the chosen people of Israel. He had no claim by birth or birthright to Jesus' promises, yet he trusted and believed that Jesus, the Christ, had come to redeem him as well. He joins the ranks of those who, throughout the Old Testament Scriptures had faithfully clung to God's promises of salvation. Many of those who believed were, notably, Gentiles as well. In true faith they endured great hardships because they put their trust in God's deliverance. Having conversations about faith in Jesus leads us to look for examples of faith from which we can gain encouragement and hope in our lives. In so doing we follow in the footsteps of people fo faith throughout the Scriptures, as the writer to the Hebrews notes in the reading for today.

To truly believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior from Sin is to have a faith that has substance and saves from Sin, Death, and Satan. Such faith in Christ gives us confidence that the grave can't hold us and that eternal life, totally restored to our Father in heaven, is the very sure and certain promise of our gracious and loving God. Saving faith assures us that our God and Father is at all times present in our lives and provides us with everything we need for our lives and living. Having "faith conversations about Jesus" means living our faith for the world to see, for as we live in Christ and He in us others will see Jesus through and in us. Following the examples of the men and women of faith throughout the Scriptures, we realize that living out our faith leads to "faith conversations about Jesus" as people seek to know why we, as God's redeemed children in Christ, rejoice in suffering, face trials and challenges with courage, and daily give thanks for God's blessings even in difficult times and circumstances. We have the tremendous privilege and responsibility to engage in such "faith conversation about Jesus" so that others might receive what we have received--the forgiveness of sins and the hope and promise of eternal life with Christ.

Prayer: Gracious Father, as You have granted me saving faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, lead me to live it in such a way that I might be an example of faith-filled living to others. Remind me each day that, as I live by faith in Christ and am blessed in my relationship with You through Him, I am engaged in "faith conversations about Jesus" with everyone I meet. By the power of Your Word and Spirit lead me to boldly proclaim my faith in Jesus with my life and my speech. Let others see Jesus in me, so that, being so introduced to Him, they might be blessed with the gift of faith so that others might see Jesus in them as well. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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