Saturday, June 25, 2005

Wars - An Inevitable Result Of Sin

"Today's Devotion" For June 25, 2005

Read: Matthew 24:2-8; Psalm 46


"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 8:28-29)

The latest "to do" in Washington is the issue of the war on terrorism, particularly the "stepped up insurgency" in Iraq. According to the polls the American people are sick of the war and want the troops to come home. As one observer noted, the same kind of public sentiment was displayed during the first years of WWII, most likely because there was a distinct feeling among the populace that we couldn't win. As President Roosevelt "stayed the course" and continued to prosecute the war as was necessary, the angst and defeatism facing the nation gradually subsided. In its place a grim and defiant resolve took over the psyche of the nation, and the battle was joined and victory expected.

Should we like war? Of course not. It's the obvious result of a fallen world where Sin and evil seem to have their way. War brings anxiety, discomfort, fear, anger, and emptiness. No matter how much we might complain, politicians may debate and posture and people walk about wringing their hands, the reality of war is upon us. We can't hide it under a bushel basket nor can we run away from its consequences. People are dying, both combatants and noncombatants, because the enemy holds an ideology that devalues human life. Evil seeks to have its way and people of good conscience and character cannot allow such evil and such an inhumane ideology to hold the lives of peoples and nations hostage.

Our Lord Jesus Christ understood that wars are going to occur and that they are the inevitable result of Sin in the world and the evil that has brought Sin into the lives of people. He made it very clear to His disciples that there will always be wars and rumors of war as long as the earth exists. Jesus' words give us the sense that nothing is going to stop them from occurring, and that we need to be prepared for their consequences. Wars remind us that this world will eventually come to an end but in God's time. David's Psalm 46 reminds us that God is the One that causes wars to cease, not us. He is in charge and is watching over His people so that no harm comes to them - best understood as being separated from Him and His love for eternity. As we continue to prosecute this war on terrorism and the evil that perpetrates it, we are encouraged and reminded that nothing can take God's people away from His love.

Paul's words of hope, quoted above from Romans 8, are so very vital for the nation to hear in this time of national and world discontent, turmoil, and conflict. Our Lord's strong promises is that nothing can separate us from the "love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Paul's powerful treatise in Romans 8 draws our attention to the incredible reality that God's grace, mercy, and love are our certain assurance that we belong to Him. We don't need to be afraid of anything in this world or the next. There's no foe that can harm us so as to take us away from God. Despite the worst efforts of terrorists, politicians, and naysayers to get us to lose our focus on the final victory over Sin and evil, our joy and peace in Christ is complete. As our brothers and sisters in Christ give their lives in the cause of freedom and justice in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the world we pray that God would, through their efforts, bring peace and hope to the nations. May their lives, and ours, in service to our God and Savior, truly reflect His love and compassion, His mercy and grace, His hope and peace, and His promise of eternal life in Christ so that others, through us, might see Jesus and believe.

Prayer: Father, I'm absolutely certain that wars are not a part of Your plan for the salvation of the world. In fact I'm also certain, according to Your Word, that wars are an abomination to You because they are the result of Sin and evil in the world which destroy Your Creation and seek to lead Your people from Your love. Yet, I also realize that wars, while often not of our choosing or Your design, are also the result of Sin and can be the instruments of Your justice and righteousness upon those who would flaunt Your Will and do evil to other human beings. Help me to stay focused on the reality of war and the necessity of defending those who are weaker and in need of Your love and compassion. Father, according to Your Will, please bring these times of conflict to a peaceful solution. Under any and all circumstances, whether in war or peace, help me to trust in You completely and look to You for strength. Guide those who lead the nations of the world to turn to You for guidance and wisdom. Let me be an instrument of Your peace, as well, through my actions, my words, and my prayers. In Jesus' name. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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