Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Having Our Faith In Christ Tested

"Today's Devotion" For June 28, 2005

Read: I John 5:1-12; Galatians 5:16-6:10


"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves His child as well." (I Jn. 5:1)

Have you ever noticed how your principles and resolve are tested? Sometimes I feel as if my every waking hour is a test of what I believe and whether or not I'm going to follow through on those beliefs. Now this testing doesn't just take place for individuals. Whole cultures and nations find their belief systems tried and tested constantly. The United States, for instance, is currently being tested on the international level as to whether or not we have the backbone and "intestinal fortitude" necessary to really live up to what we say we believe about freedom and democracy for everyone. At home, we find ourselves debating the ethics of stem cell research, including cloning to develop replacement limbs, and the use of frozen, human embryos for medical research. On the international level, nations test each others' resolve and ideals seemingly every day. And, it seems, passing grades are few and far between.

As the people of God, we undergo a similar testing process every day as well. The situations of life that we face challenge us to truly live out what we say we believe as redeemed children of God in Jesus Christ. We claim to believe that we are saved solely by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We claim that Jesus Christ is the only way to God's forgiveness and to eternal life in heaven. Yet, the world challenges those claims and calls upon us to "prove" them by how we live our lives. Our faith and trust in Jesus is tested everyday and we are challenged by our world to examine ourselves and check our faith.

John reminds us that having faith in Jesus means we have been given a new, spiritual birth by God. "We love Him because He first loved us" John writes (I Jn. 4:19). By that love we have been made members of His family. Motivated by His love for us, we seek to love others, even our enemies. By that same love we are called to especially love our brothers and sisters in Christ. This can be an even more difficult and challenging test of our faith, for all too often God's children argue and fight with one another, frequently treating one another in ways we don't even treat those who are enemies of Christ. Too often we are guilty of being unloving to our family members in the Body of Christ, and putting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a less than positive light.

Understanding our need for God's love to motivate our love, we come humbly before our Father in heaven with repentant hearts. We confess our sins before Him and receive, by faith, His sure and certain forgiveness in Christ. We are made new in His love as it comes to us in Jesus. As our heavenly Father's dearly beloved children, we seek to show our love for Him by seeking to obey His commands and love one another as Christ has loved us. Our Lord Jesus, in His great love for us, has overcome Sin and the world. By the power of His Word and Spirit we have been called to faith in Him and called to live that faith as a true and certain testimony of His love for the whole world. As we live by faith, actively seeking to be our Father's children, the world sees us as truly being different, for we truly love one another. By so loving one another in Christ and sharing that love with the world we truly live up to our claims and stand firmly tested before the world.

Prayer: Father, I need Your forgiveness every day because I too often fail the test of faith and love. All too often I am unlovingly critical of my brothers and sisters in Christ and so present a faithless picture to the world. When a brother or sister in Christ offends me or is found to be wanting in some area of his or her life, rather than being patient with them I shunt them aside or put them down. When in love I could help such a brother or sister grow more complete in his or her life of faith and service, I too often choose to ignore the opportunity for such loving service because it’s just to hard and time consuming. Instead, it’s much easier to go on my merry way, doing “my thing,” and let such a brother or sister fall. Father, forgive me for such unloving and uncaring behavior on my part. Rather than being put off by a brother's or sister's weaknesses, help me to love them and find ways to serve them in their situations and transform their lives with Your love. Remind me, Father, that how I treat my brothers and sisters in Christ is a vital reflection to the world of my love for You. Let my actions be a powerful witness to Your love for all the world to see. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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