Thursday, June 23, 2005

Guilty As Charged

"Today's Devotion" For June 23, 2005

Read: Matthew 5:13-16; Psalm 145


"...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deed and praise your Father in heaven." (Mt. 5:16)

One of my favorite questions, which I've posed to you in "Today's Devotion" in the past, is the following: "If you were to be arrested and stand trial for being a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" This question has suggested itself once again in the face of the discussions about celebrity trials that have been a mainstay of talk shows and media shows since the Michael Jackson verdict last week. Last night, comedian and Tonight Show host, Jay Leno asked Dr. Phil McGraw why West Coast juries never convict celebrities. While he didn't refer to any other celebrities by name or as a discussion point, the week's media discussions have included references to actor Robert Blake and former football player and actor, O. J. Simpson.

While the aforementioned celebrities were acquitted of their alleged crimes, being found "Not Guilty" by a jury of their peers, Dr. Phil pointed out that being found "Not Guilty" doesn't mean the same thing as being innocent because of the burden of proof the law places on a jury's deliberations. As the people of God, and disciples of Jesus Christ, being found "not guilty" of being His disciples isn't a victory but a defeat. We know that if we were to be put on trial for our sins, there's no possible way we wouldn't be convicted. No judge or jury could ever legitimately declare us to be either "not guilty" or "innocent." Yet, because Jesus shed His blood on the Cross to wash us clean from our sins, we stand before God forgiven and truly "innocent" of all charges.

Living in that forgiveness as disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek to live in such a way that we declare who we are and Whose we are. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not a walk in the park. It's not a "membership club" where you pay your dues, attend a meeting or two, come to a social event once in awhile, and give an annual donation to a charitable cause in the name of the club. Being a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ is a fulltime - 24/7/365 - lifetime commitment of faith, witness and service. Living such a life of faith and service can only inevitably lead to our being found "guilty as charged" to the allegation that we are Christians and disciples of Jesus Christ; that our purpose is to bring the message of God's love in Christ to bear on the lives of people all over the world so they might come to repentance and be saved by the blood of Christ.

Jesus uses three pictures to describe how disciples live out their faith in Him. He calls us the "salt of the earth," "a city set on a hill," and "the light of the world." Each image reflects a way through which we can bring the Good News of salvation in Christ to bear on the people of the world. As the "salt of the earth" we act as the preservative and flavoring that keeps God's wrath toward Sin from falling immediately and vengefully upon all humanity. For our sakes He exercises His patience and love so that we might have every opportunity to be "the light of the world" and "a city set on a hill" - His beacons to lead others to His love. Ultimately, by letting our "light shine before men" we can be confident the verdict on the charge of being disciples of Jesus Christ will be "guilty as charged." What a blessing such a verdict is, as we are counted worthy to be called to the Lord's work.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for my reluctance to be "out front" as a disciple needs to be. Lead me, by Your Word and Spirit, to boldly live as a true disciple of Jesus Christ, a "fisher of men." Use me effectively as the "salt of the earth," "a city set on a hill," and "a light of the world," so that, through me, Your Spirit can touch the hearts and minds of many in need of Your grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness. Lead me each day to seek every opportunity to be found "guilty as charged" as a disciple of Jesus' Christ and a living and visible witness of Your love. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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