Monday, June 27, 2005

God's Promises Are Always Sure and Certain

"Today's Devotion" For June 27, 2005

Read: Matthew 24:29-35; I Peter 1:3-16


"'Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.'" (Mt. 24:35)

One of the items of "Sports Buzz" in the local Milwaukee newspaper has been the recent firing of Terry Porter as coach of the Milwaukee Bucks. I have to admit that I'm no lover of NBA basketball, but occasionally I find a player or coach that seems to have something positive to offer the public. Mr. Porter is one such coach in my opinion. Thus, when word got out that he was fired last week after having had the general manager say he was "the man" to coach the Bucks just six weeks before, I was just a bit surprised and disappointed. Surprised, because I thought the general manager of the Bucks was a more honest person; disappointed, because once again it seems as if there is no such thing as honoring a contract - especially in professional sports - in this case, at the team level.

The buzz around Packerland has been the hold out of Javon Walker with two years remaining on his contract. He wants more money; feels he deserves more. Of course, not to be outdone, along comes Terrell Owens who just last year signed a long-term contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. Now he, too, wants to renegotiate his contract to make more money. Strangely enough, they both have the same agent. So here we have two individuals seeking a different outcome than what they agreed to in their contracts. In this case the onus is on the players honoring their contracts.

It's becoming more and more evident that keeping a promise, whether contractually or by "giving your word," is becoming an extinct value in our culture. But such a loss of principle isn't just restricted to our society. The whole world is fraught with false promises and premises. One moment we read about negotiations taking place in the Middle East for Israel to withdraw from the Gaza Strip and West Bank and the next moment we read that something's gone wrong and the "deal's off." Governments make "deals" which the governed ignore or flaunt. Our own nation gives its word to "stay the course'" in the war on terrorism, but the governed, because the "going is rough" wants to renege and pull out (that seems to be the opinion generated by the most recent polls). It seems that on both the national and international level there are plenty of empty words and promises to go around. It seems that no one learns from history where we find treaties, agreements, covenants, and contracts that have all gone by the wayside because the words and promises made have ceased to have meaning, often before the ink was dry.

By God's grace, however, those who know the promises of God for salvation in Jesus Christ are certain and sure that God's Word will always remain. While all around us people, corporations, organizations, and governments fail to honor their contracts or keep their promises, God continues to keep His. He gives us everything we need to sustain life each day. He touches us with His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ. His promise of sins forgiven and the hope of heaven never changes. Every day through the power of His Word our Father in heaven reinforces the truth of His promises and assures us that, redeemed in Christ, we are His very own, precious children. It's these promises that give us hope in the midst of hardship and despair. It's these promises that assure us that we're never alone and that our Lord Jesus is "with (us) always, even to the end of the world" (Mt. 20:20). It's these promises which sustain us when people hate us because we serve Jesus Christ. In the end, we can be certain that no matter what happens in this world, we belong to God because Jesus died for us and rose again. In Him we are certain that we will be with Him in heaven and that "neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor anything in all of creation shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8:38-39).

Prayer: Father, You promised Adam and Eve that a Savior would come. You promised Abraham that You would make of him a great nation. You promised David that his throne would last forever. You promised Your people, Israel, that You would restore them to You and make them a beacon to the nations. Your promises throughout the ages have always assured Your people that You love them and are always working in their lives for their good. Father, I believe those promises. Every day, when I really pay attention, I see Your loving and gracious hand at work in my life and the lives of others as You provide for every need, fulfilling even the tiniest of Your promises. Give me the patience and faith to live in Your promises, always assured that I am Your dearly beloved and redeemed child by faith in Jesus Christ. Help me to live out Your promises as I touch the lives of others with Your love and forgiveness as a living testimony of the certainty of Your Word and the hope of heaven. By the power of Your Word and Spirit keep me faithful to You and Your promises in Jesus no matter the trials or temptations I may face. Let my life be a faithful witness to Your love and the only promises in the universe that are absolutely sure and certain. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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