Monday, June 19, 2006

Solace And Hope In Times Of Loneliness

"Today's Devotion" For June 20, 2006

Read: Psalm 71; Ephesians 6:10-18


"Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me for You are my rock and my fortress." (Psalm 71:3)

Have you ever felt lonely? No doubt most of us can answer this question in the affirmative. Loneliness isn't something that strikes any one group of people, but it's a feeling that can affect the lives of both young and old, rich and poor, and the powerful and the weak. Suicide is often a result of people feeling lonely and hopeless. This is often the overarching reason for suicide among teens, but it also is the reason for suicides in other age groups as well.

Loneliness is especially pervasive in the lives of people in the twilight of their lives. I can remember visiting with one lady at her home on her 92nd birthday. She was grateful to have reached that milestone, but was also sad because all of her friends were gone, her husband was long dead, and she was no longer able to take care of herself in the manner in which she was accustomed. Her children lived far away, as did her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and one of her daughters was anxious to put her in a nursing home near the daughter's home - far away from anything familiar to this lady. This lady (let's call her Marge) was all alone except for her neighbors who watched over her and the people at church who called her on the telephone or stopped by to see how she was doing and to pray with her. With her health failing, Marge often spoke of just dying and getting her life over with. She struggled with the reason God was still keeping her around.

Yet, a more faithful woman of faith I've never seen. She truly trusted in God for everything and no one could get away from her without a word about Jesus and a promise she would be praying for them. She regularly volunteered for the prayer chain, helped sew blankets for missionaries, and faithfully filled her "mite" box to help support the work of missionaries around the world. For every gripe she might offer when I visited she would count two blessings from God and talk about His faithfulness to her. Marge knew Jesus as her Rock; God was truly her "rock of refuge" in all things.

Psalm 71 is the song of an old man recounting the blessings of God throughout his life. He rejoices in God's protection, His love, His mercy, and His forgiveness. He praises God for his redemption from both his earthly and spiritual enemies. Although he has seen hard times and troubles, he is confident that God will restore him and give his life continued meaning and purpose. God's faithfulness is a source of solace and hope and a sure assurance that He never leaves His children alone. For the old man, and for us, no matter what happens in life, we can be certain that we are held in the very palm of God's hand and that He has redeemed us to be His very own, forgiven and restored children in the salvation He freely gives to all in Jesus. No matter what time of our life, the hope and solace the old man professes is also ours in Jesus. We are never alone - our God chases away loneliness with His love and presence each day of our lives.

Prayer: Father, so often I feel tired and overwhelmed by the troubles I experience in this world. It's easy for me to throw my hands up in despair and feel sorry for myself. Loneliness is something I read and hear about a lot, but I never think it's going to touch me. Yet, because of the power of Sin in my life, I too often turn away from You and Your love for me and end up experiencing the spiritual loneliness which comes from turning away from You. When those times come my way, O Lord, send Your Spirit to pick me up and comfort me so that I might find true hope and solace in You and Your love and forgiveness for me in Jesus. Help me to reach out to others who may be experiencing the loneliness that Sin brings, whether young or old, rich or poor, powerful or weak, so they might come to know Your love and forgiveness in Christ and live a life full of hope and faith. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks pastor