Thursday, June 01, 2006

Living Uniquely

"Today's Devotion" For June 1, 2006

Read: Colossians 2:6-12; Ephesians 4:17-24


"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
(Colossians 2:6, 7)

What is there about you that makes you unique? Do you have particular facial features - a prominent nose, different colored eyes, a large/small mouth, a special kind of smile? Or how about your body type (I can't begin to accurately describe mine - not sure I'd want to)? Is it large, petite, small, medium, plumb, or ...? How about your voice? Does your voice cause you to stand out from others? Perhaps its pitch, timbre,volume, or other quality makes it unique and different from the voices of others? Perhaps you can sing like a lark, or do you croak like a frog? Maybe you have hobbies or other special activities that give you uniquenessas a person, a neighbor, a friend, a colleague, or family member. No matter what it is, there is always something that differentiates each of us from one another - that makes each of us unique and different so that we have our own identities, dreams, goals, and aspirations.

One of the dangers we face in our lives, however, is the desire not to stand out in the crowd - not to be different or unique. Often, instead of reveling in those characteristics and abilities that make one unique and different from everyone else, the tendency is to hide that uniqueness -to be ashamed or afraid to be different. And for good reason. Too often, in a sinful world, those who are unique and different are also often at odds with the world's values. Instead of "going along to get along," they buck the trends, challenge the norms, and assault conformity. Sometimes those who do so seek to be at odds with society and culture - often ending up in prison after having broken laws, harming people and property in the process. On the other hand, there are those who "walk to the beat of a different drummer" because they believe very strongly in something that stands at odds with the norms of the community.

One example of such "nonconformity" would be the challenges faced by God's people. As the redeemed in Christ, we are called out of the world to be His dearly beloved and redeemed children. Living in His love and forgiveness, we are called to be examples of His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in the world. Such living can put us at odds with the world around us, as is becoming more and more evident in the news of the day. As a result of the tension of living the unique life of a disciple of Jesus Christ the temptation is great to conform the Christian life to societal values. Some seek, therefore, to be acceptable to the culture and community by adopting the values of the culture, regardless of their distastefulness to God's will. Others, afraid of standing out, hide themselves from the realities of life, often hiding behind the doors of a church, unwilling to venture into the world and be different - a witness for Jesus.

St. Paul knew well the challenges facing God's redeemed children in Christ. He understood how difficult it was to live according to God's Will and purpose when it flew in the face of the ways of the world. He knew what it was like to be scorned for his faith in Jesus and to be beaten, scourged, and imprisoned for the sake of Christ. That Paul was unique there was, and is, no doubt. His preaching and teaching, his challenging of authority when it was wrong, and his debates with the philosophers of his day made him unique and different - bringing him both reviling and praise. Having experienced such things in his life as an apostle of Jesus, Paul calls upon us to continue to live in Jesus no matter what. He encourages us by faith to live as the unique people we are in Christ.

We are, by faith, a mirror of Christ Jesus to the world. How we live and act, speak and think reflects the love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God for us in Christ. There are those who would seek to turn us away from God's purposes, to follow ideas, hold to principles, and live in a manner that goes against everything God calls us to be in Jesus. No matter how much we are attacked by the world, we know and believe that our Lord Jesus understands what we are facing, has experienced it for Himself, and stands with us and upholds us as we live for Him each day. Having been buried to Sin with Him in baptism, we have been raised with Him through faith and restored to our Father in heaven. We are empowered to live uniquely as His children and witnesses to a lost and dying world. We don't stand alone - Jesus stands with us all the way. Being unique and living uniquely are wonderful blessings of God to cherish, relish, and for which to give thanks. In Jesus, by faith, we are different. We are unique. And that, my dear friends, is really okay.

Prayer: Father, thank You for calling me to be Your dearly beloved and redeemed child in Jesus. Your forgiveness to me is the same as You offer to the whole world, yet it makes me unique because You have put it in my heart and led me to faith in Jesus so that I might fully and completely receive it and live in it each day. Father, don't let me be ashamed of being Your unique child in Christ. Rather, by the power of Your Word and Spirit, give me the strength of purpose and faith to seek to stand out from the crowd as a living witness to Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. No matter how much ridicule, hatred, or maltreatment I might face in life, help me to take them in stride and continue be uniquely Your child as I repay evil with good, hatred with love, and anger with peace. Hear my prayer, gracious God and Father, for Jesus' sake. Amen. ***************

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the devotion to shared today. It really touched me and strengthened me. How very blessed we are to be one of His children, and that is unique.
Thank you again and God Bless!